This thesis investigates camera calibration methods in a real-time embedded context. The main goal is to propose an innovative processing architecture…

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SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) is the more accurate TOF (Time Of Flight) distance measurement. Some specific issues appear when SPADs are used…

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The International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine (IMPRS-MBM) and the Cells in Motion Excellence Cluster (CiM) offer 16 PhD…

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The Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies (GPTS) of the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” is offering up to four…

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Kingston University offers up to 10 scholarships for international undergraduate students for September entry. The scholarships are open to…

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University of Warwick - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing

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University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering

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University of Surrey - Mechanical Engineering Sciences

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University of Nottingham - Faculty of Engineering – Division of Manufacturing and Process Technologies

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De Montfort University - Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development School of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Faculty of Technology

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