Postdoc position in Smart Sensor Systems

Job specification

Embedding and networking numerous intelligent objects into an environment creates a digital skin or wireless network of smart objects. Each object is capable of capturing physical information about its immediate space, cooperate with its neighbors, reason about its impact, and summarize the low-level information to produce data representative of the overall environment, and even actuate if needed. Pervasive data will change how these intelligent objects dynamically pool information, cooperate under possibly severe constraints and reliably interact and control the physical world.

The recently established Centre for Wireless and Sensor Systems (WiSE) at the University of Twente is seeking qualified candidates for a postdoc position in Smart Sensor Systems with the focus on big sensor data analytics for IoT (Internet of things). IoT is a phenomenon that has recently received worldwide a lot of attention not only from academic perspective (for instance from wireless sensor networking domain) but also from industrial valorization point of view. The Internet of Things (IoT) and WSN not only represent an additional volume of sensor data to explore and the need for more efficient and scalable distributed data analysis methods, but also raise additional challenges on distributed sensing, efficient wireless communication, and their integration into the application domains. Prominent new domain and emerging technologies in the context of IoT are wearables, smart phones and opportunistic sensing.

The postdoc is expected to be active in all of the following areas:

  • research on Smart Sensor Systems and IoT,
  • project management and project acquisition,
  • teaching and supervision of PhD and MSc students.

The postdoc is expected to explore possibilities for collaboration with the other CTIT research centers, such as the Centre for Dependable Systems and networks (C.DSN), Centre for Cyber Security and Safety (CCSPS), and the Centre for Sustainability Supply Chain Innovation (SSI).

Your Profile

You have a PhD.-degree in computer science, applied mathematics, or electrical engineering. You have knowledge of distributed embedded systems and data analytics for wireless sensor networks. We expect that the candidate has previous experience with project management and coordination as well as programming and building real-world smart sensing systems. We expect the candidate to have an excellent command of English language as well as professional communication and presentation skills.

Candidates are invited to submit their application, including a cv, clearly stating their expertise, research interest, list of publications, names of two references, and project management and coordination experience through the application link. The vacancy will be open until a suitable candidate is selected.

For more information, please visit the website of the PS group (, or contact Nirvana Meratnia, n.meratnia<στο>

Our offer

We offer a very challenging position in an inspiring environment. You will be appointed as a full-time researcher in WiSE and embedded in the Pervasive Systems (PS) research group for a period of two years (38 hours a week). The salary depends on your experience and will start with a gross salary of € 2977,– per month in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.