Research assistant – Management engineering

The Free University of Bozen/Bolzano was founded on 31 October 1997 as a multilingual, internationally oriented institution. The Free University of Bozen/Bolzano contributes to society by combining research and its practical application, and it respects the principles of sustainable cultural, social and environmental development.

The Free University of Bozen/Bolzano announces the following opening:

AreaManagement engineering
FacultyFaculty of Science and Technology
CallRectors Decree no. 28, dated from 28.01.2015
Attachments + privacy
ProjectBusiness model analysis and design for South Tirol companies
Deadline for presenting requests23.03.2015
Office seatFree University of Bozen – Bolzano Personnel Office Academic Staff dott. Paola Paolini, Piazzetta Franz Innerhofer,8 – C. P. 276 39100 Bolzano
Deadline for supplying publications23.03.2015


Please send your application including academic publications until the indicated deadline (not via e-mail) to the following address: Free University of Bozen – Personnel Office Academic Staff dott. Paola Paolini– Franz-Innerhofer-Platz, 8 – I-39100 Bozen.