IT Officer

Job category:Technology
Mailing details : 
Company name:Oneworld ltd
Address:Prodromou 75
Contact person:HR Manager
E-mail address:careers<στο>
Position details: 
Job title :IT Officer
Job description:1. Provide daily IT support and resolve problems to the end users' satisfaction.

2. Provide local and remote support to end users’ desktop PC’s, laptops, printers.

3. Install and manage new hardware and software systems

This is a part time position, working hours 8am - 1pm, with an occasional afternoon shift whenever IT Manager is away or on leave (extra hours will be paid).
Number of persons required:1
Qualifications required:1. University degree in Computer science/engineering / Information systems

2. Knowledge on English language

3. Good communication skills
Other requirements:• Good understanding of Microsoft products

• Good understanding of Networking TCP/IP

• Ability to troubleshoot PC/Server and Networking issues

• Good knowledge and troubleshooting skills in Windows and 7, 8 and Windows server 2008/2012

• Experience with Active Directory considered advantage

• Experience or Knowledge of Cisco considered advantage
Employment conditions:Part Time