Postdoctoral Mobility Programmes, AgreenSkills, France (2015)

AgreenSkills and AgreenSkills+ are international postdoctoral mobility programmes co-funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration. Both programmes are coordinated by INRA, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research, in cooperation with Agreenium, the French national higher education and research consortium in agriculture environment and nutrition.

AgreenSkills and AgreenSkills+ are excellence-oriented programmes, accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships from experienced young and independent researchers in the fields of life, agricultural, nutrition, and environmental sciences. Proposals are accepted, for basic or applied research projects which contribute directly or indirectly to the scientific objectives of Agreenium’s members.

Both programmes greatly focus on the quality of fellowships, the networking opportunities and career prospects that it offers to its fellows.

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Σάββατο, Μάιος 9, 2015