PhD Studentship - Microfluidic manipulation of multiphase flows

University of Birmingham

Supervisors: Dr Daniele Vigolo and Prof Mark Simmons

Start Date: October 2015.

Funding: EPSRC and University scholarship (UK/EU applicants only)

The transport of complex fluids and multiphase flows such as colloidal suspensions, polymers or emulsions is a common feature of natural as well as industrial processes at all length scales. By exploiting laminar flow conditions typical of microfluidics, it is possible to achieve precise control over a range of flow characteristics. Moreover, by embedding electrodes and micro-heaters [Vigolo et al., Soft Matter6, 2010] into small lab-on-a-chip devices it is possible to induce external forces to manipulate single components, or to create gradients of concentration. For instance, biocompatible materials with mechanical properties gradients are of high importance in the study of tissue engineering and wound healing. The behaviour of cells cultivated on substrates of different stiffness has been recently widely studied [Janmey et al., Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng.9, 2007]. The results have unveiled how migration, proliferation, adhesion and also differentiation, depends on the characteristics of the material where cells are grown.

One of the expected outputs of this PhD project will be the realization of a new class of concentration gradient material, based on polymers and/or hydrogels, using complex fluids constrained in microfluidic geometries. We will create and maintain a steady-state in which a concentration gradient in a solution of monomers is balanced by the presence of a temperature gradient exploiting a phenomenon calledthermophoresis [Piazza et al., J. Phys. Condens. Matter20, 2008; Piazza, Soft Matter4, 2008]. A polymerization will then “freeze” the final configuration. By carefully choosing and controlling the components and the conditions under which the material is realized, we will manipulate its final properties. It will then be possible to grow cells (e.g. neurons, fibroblasts, cancer cells, etc.) on the functionalized material and study their response to a change in mechanical properties of the substrate.

We will also customize the optical and rheological properties of the material by adding shape-anisotropic (like nano- or micro-rods, and nano-fibres) or anisotropic functionalized particles (i.e. Janus or patchy particles) to the polymer. The alignment and the concentration gradient induced by thermophoresis will then alter locally the properties of the substrate.

It will also be required to perform a fundamental study on the thermophoretic behaviour of a suspension of functionalized anisotropic particles that will be synthesized ad hoc. Finally, we will study and model the fluid dynamic of the multiphase flow inside the microfluidic device.

Eligibility requirements.  The project is intrinsically multi-disciplinary and thus it will require the PhD candidate to be highly motivated and interested in learning a wide range of scientifically challenging topics including microfluidics, physical chemistry, soft matter and biotechnology.

Applicants should have an Honours degree with a minimum classification of a 2:1 in Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Bioengineering or Chemistry. EU applicants should hold an IELTS English Score of 6 with no less than 5.5 in any band.  Due to funding restrictions, the position is open to UK/EU applicants only.

Informal enquiries including a full CV with academic transcripts should be addressed to Dr Daniele Vigolo (vigolo.daniele<στο> or Prof Mark Simmons (m.j.simmons<στο> ).
