D.Phil. Studentship: Hydrodynamic analogues of elastic instabilities

University of Oxford

Applications are invited for a D.Phil. studentship, funded by the European Research Council, to work on the project “Hydrodynamic analogues of elastic instabilities”, under the supervision of Prof. Dominic Vella. This D.Phil. studentship will start on 1 October 2015 and will be based at the Mathematical Institute. The studentship includes a standard stipend of approximately £13,863 and College and University fees at home/EU or overseas rate, as applicable. The studentship is attached to Lincoln College (http://www.linc.ox.ac.uk ).

The aim of the DPhil project is to develop mathematical models of wrinkling and snap-through instabilities as they occur in fluid flows. These are instabilities that are traditionally associated with thin elastic objects though recent experiments suggest analogues are also observed in thin fluid flows. The project will involve exploring the limits of existing analogies between the fluid and solid instabilities; in particular, the student will explore the possibility of applying ideas developed recently to describe the wrinkling of thin solid films to wrinkling-like instabilities of thin fluid films.

Applicants are expected to have an excellent background in a mathematical subject, including background knowledge of either fluid or solid mechanics (or both) and asymptotic methods. They should also be willing to collaborate with experimentalists and may also have the opportunity to develop their own tabletop experiments.

Applications should be made online athttps://apply.graduate.ox.ac.uk/urd/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_app_crs and should include a CV, covering letter, three references and a transcript of your undergraduate degree. In the section of the application form “Departmental Studentship Applications” applicants will be asked whether they are applying for an advertised studentship. In this section please state “Yes” followed by “Hydrodynamic analogues of elastic instabilities”. When selecting a college new candidates should select Lincoln College.

Applications must arrive by noon on 13th March. Please quote the project title “Hydrodynamic analogues of elastic instabilities” in your covering letter. References can also be sent directly to Sandy Patel.

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