Postdoc researcher “Computational Design Environment”

The new National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication examines innovative processes of design, engineering and construction in architecture. The main focus of this NCCR is research into digital design and manufacturing processes and their synthesis through the use of novel technologies. Through a multidisciplinary approach the disciplines of architecture, structural design, robotics, and material and computer sciences are brought together in an ambitious partnership to establish digital technology as an essential part of future building processes.

The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication (Prof. Gramazio, Prof. Kohler) is seeking from the 1st of April 2015 or upon agreement a

Postdoc researcher “Computational Design Environment”

Your responsibilities:

This postdoc position will oversee the NCCR subsection “Computational Design Environment”. This section focuses on the development of advanced computational processes for digital design and robotic assembly processes. As such, the postdoc position includes both technical and managerial responsibilities. On the technical side, the focus is to support the development of digital interfaces and tools to control robotic manipulation directly from conventional CAD systems, for example Rhinoceros. The postdoc researcher will work in close cooperation with other research teams who will use the developed tools for their empirical testing. Specifically, the postdoc work includes tasks such as high-level programming, network interfacing and integration of proprietary automation languages. On the managerial side, the focus is to oversee the doctoral research in this subsection. This includes primarily the coordination of the technical development and the overall integration. Key for the implementation of the computational tools will be the new large-scale Robotic Fabrication Laboratory (RFL) of ETH Zurich, opening 2016.

Your profile:

You have a completed PhD in Architecture (with a strong focus on digital programming), Computational Sciences, Software Engineering, or equivalent. We expect excellent programming skills and deep knowledge of the C# and/or Python programming environments as well as experience with professional CAD and 3D modelling software packages. Experience in CNC/CAM and robotic fabrication are a plus. English and German language skills are required for this position and you should have high level of initia-tive and be able to work independently while concurrently having excellent teamwork and communica-tion skills.

Further questions or requests for information should be addressed to Dr. Jan Willmann,
e-mail: willmann<στο> (please do not send any applications)

We look forward to receiving your application online at (or “Apply now” below) with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mr. Matthias Steiger, Human Resources, CH-8092 Zürich. Please include a comprehensive CV, cover letter, portfolio and publication samples (all documents as PDF).
Any other way of applying will not be considered.