PhD - Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)-based Adsorbents for Gas Separations in the Petrochemicals Industry

The University of Manchester - The School of Chemistry

Project Outline

A BP-International Centre for Advanced Materials ( EPSRC funded 48 month PhD Studentship is available for an outstanding experimental chemist in support of a major materials chemistry project that links researchers at the Universities of Manchester, Cambridge, Imperial College and BP in the field of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).

MOFs are an exciting new family of nanoporous material with huge potential for application in gas storage and separation technologies. This project aims to identify, synthesise, characterise and test new and known MOFs for gas separations useful specifically for the petrochemicals industry.
The project will involve the synthesis of organic ligands and new, known or modified MOFs, characterisation including crystallographic and microscopy techniques, and testing using gas adsorption equipment. The studentship will be based in Manchester but will also involve a placement period at Cambridge.

Overall this project will provide excellent experience for the prospective student in a diverse range of areas including materials chemistry and chemical engineering, nanoporous materials, gas separation and adsorption technology and working in a unique collaborative academic industrial partnership.


Applicants should have or expect a good (I or II(i)) honours degree (or an equivalent degree) in Chemistry.

Further Information

Please submit a cover letter and CV with your application. The cover letter must contain a short paragraph covering your research interests and your motivation for the project.

For more information and informal enquiries please contact Dr Martin Attfield:m.attfield<στο>

Funding Details

The Studentship will provide fees and a tax-free stipend starting at £15,557 for 2015/16 academic year.
