PhD position on learning and brain plasticity

This PhD training provides exciting opportunities for high-level research training, international travel and exchange between labs of international research leaders in top European Universities and market-leading companies in the area of learning and brain plasticity.


A PhD position is available for one year with a possibility for extension in the European Community Initial Training Network “Adaptive Brain Computations” within the Section Computational Sensomotorics ( at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research ( and the Tübingen Cluster of Excellence (Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
The specific project will include experiments on motion recognition and the development of learning-based theories of the recognition of body movements and social interactions. The experiments at the Section Computational Sensomotorics will exploit advanced VR setups and motion capture technology. The analysis of the behavioural data involves advanced computational methods and will be linked to neural modelling.

The European Community Seventh Framework Initial Training Network “Adaptive Brain Computations” (ABC, PITN- GA- 2011- 290011) is a multi-disciplinary research and training programme which aims to integrate the study of learning and brain plasticity to promote wellbeing and advance healthcare interventions. The network takes a multidisciplinary approach, synthesising methods from brain imaging, behavioural science, physiology, and computational modelling to understand brain plasticity. For more information on ABC, please check:

Eligibility criteria: 
1. You should have a background in subjects related to the research including neuroscience, cognitive psychology, computer science, engineering or physics.
2. You should be in the first 4 years of your research career and should not yet have been awarded a PhD.
3. You must not have lived in Germany for >12 months during the past 3 years.
Ideal candidates should have the following qualifications:
• Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering, Psychology, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, or related fields
• motivation to do psychophysical experiments
• programming skills (Matlab, C/C++, ...)
• English speaking and writing skills.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Neurosciences - Neuroinformatics

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Application e-mail

Application Deadline
