PhD - Nanoscale Electrode Arrays with Active CMOS Circuits and their Application to Electrochemical Imaging

University of Edinburgh

Lead Supervisor: Dr Ian Underwood

Second Supervisor: See below

Application Deadline (or open all year)

1st September 2015

Contact Email (this will be used for interested applicants to email for further details) 

Funding Details: 

  • Fully or part funded? Covers fees only or includes a stipend?

Full fees & stipend. EPSRC studentship with a CASE supplement. The PhD studenship will cover UK/EU tuition fees and an annual stipend of £15,006 for 42 months.

  • For UK/EU/overseas students?

For UK students only

The Schools of Engineering and Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh (UEDIN) and the National Physical laboratory (NPL) are collaborating to develop and deploy a rapid electrochemical imaging tool comprising an array of micro-fabricated, and potentially nano-scale, electrodes integrated with CMOS circuitry to provide an “active matrix” readout capability. The device at the heart of the system will have an array of electrodes that can be individually interrogated against a common reference/counter electrode on the same substrate. The specific requirement is to apply a controlled potential and measure the current at each electrode independently, so one or more potentiostat circuits will need to be integrated into the device with rapid switching between working electrodes.

There are two studentships associated with the overall project. One student is already working on the CMOS design of the electrode array chip and will progress to its fabrication, testing and characterisation.

The primary responsibility of the new student will be to characterise, test and deploy the electrochemical imaging tool. The new student will assist the team to develop the post-process capability to integrate the CMOS backplane with the electrodes and fabricate the prototype.

The student will work within a multidisciplinary team and develop a broad range of interdisciplinary skills that will enhance their employability.

There is an expectation that the student will spend some time (possibly several weeks to several months) carrying out part of the research at NPL.




Specific eligibility criteria

1st or upper second class honours degree or equivalent in a suitable discipline or an honours degree and some years of relevant work experience at an appropriate level.

Further information to be included (eg, institute/ external website /profile page)


How to apply?

Please apply here 

Select the Research Area: "Micro & Nano Systems" and clearly state on your application form which project you are applying for and the relevant supervisor.
