PhD - Biofiltration Systems for Optimized Stormwater Management in Urban Areas

University of Leeds - Faculty of Engineering

Name of School Contact:

Graduate School Office, Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

0113 3438000


Degree Level:

  • Taught Postgraduate
  • Research Postgraduate     

Scholarship Type:

  • International
  • Home/EU                     

Number available: 1

Fees: £3,975

Maintenance: £13,863

Funding Type

University scholarship

Information regarding the project:

As a result of climate change and urbanization, more frequent flooding, diffuse pollution, and unsatisfactory combined sewer overflows are impacting on the quality of life and wellbeing of urban dwellers, and on the ecological status of urban water systems. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) have been developed to manage stormwater at source and restore pre-development hydrology, control diffuse pollution and, if vegetated, promote ecosystem services and reduce urban heat islands.

Existing knowledge about SuDS performance is not exhaustive, especially regarding the influence of their design and configuration (plants, media, drainage) on hydrological processes, contaminant removal mechanisms, and on long term performance. This PhD project aims specifically at investigating biofiltration systems since these have been identified as a promising technology for retrofit in dense urban areas due to their flexibility in design and comparatively small footprint. Hydrological and bio-chemical processes occurring within biofiltration systems will be investigated through laboratory and field studies aimed at optimizing their performance. Numerical modelling of biofiltration systems will be evaluated as well as development of methodologies to allow for their inclusion in catchment-scale models for planning and decision making purposes.

The Faculty of Engineering is one of the largest engineering groupings in the UK having in excess of 700 staff, 3,000 students and an annual turnover of around £60m.

The high quality of our research was confirmed by the Research Excellence Framework 2014, which means we can continue to recruit the best research staff and students, invest in our facilities and continue to build links with industry and research partners in the UK and overseas.

  • Applicants MUST submit a research degree study application form and be in receipt of a University BANNER ID Number to be eligible for this Studentship. To apply for a place on a research degree programme, please visit:

(Please note you do not need to have secured an academic place yet to apply) 

  • Applicants need to be from the United Kingdom or other EU countries. 

Faculty Web Address: 

Minimum Academic Requirements (if English is not your first language, then candidates must also meet the University’s English language requirements): 

Candidates should hold a First or Upper Second Class Honours Degree (or equivalent) in an engineering or scientific discipline with a strong environmental or water related focus. 

UK applicants will be eligible for a full award paying tuition fees and maintenance. European Union applicants will be eligible for an award paying tuition fees only, except in exceptional circumstances, or where residency has been establish for more than 3 years prior to the start of the course. Please check the EPSRC link for eligibility

Any Additional Requirements: 

This information has been provided by the above School and all enquiries regarding these awards must be made in the first instance to the contact detailed above. 

You may apply online for research degree study at: or a Word version may be downloaded from this page.
