PhD scholarship in improvement of PEM electrolysis for flexible energy storage – New Ceramic Materials

Technical University of Denmark - Department of Energy Conversion and Storage

The section for Fundamental Electrochemistry, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is seeking a candidate for a PhD student position as part of the project “e-STORE: Further improvement of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis for flexible energy storage”.

Electrolysis of water will become a key technology in the future energy system to balance increasing amounts of renewable energy against the demand and to fuel the transport sector. When renewable electricity production exceeds the demand, the surplus can be used for hydrogen production by electrolysis of water. The hydrogen may subsequently be used directly in industrial processes, in fuel cell vehicles, to produce synthetic fuels, or as a key component in the upgrading of bio-derived liquid fuels.

The PEM electrolyser cell (PEMEC) has a great potential to become an important component in this future energy systems if a better long term performance and a lower cost of the cell stack can be achieved. Currently, a main problem is structural and compositional changes occurring during operation at high power densities that cause cell stack degradation.

Project aims
Identification and synthesis of new more durable and inexpensive ceramic materials will help alleviating these problems. The aim of this PhD project, which is a part of a larger project with 2 industrial companies and 4 universities, is to search for such improved materials by identification, synthesis and test of candidate ceramic compounds, e.g. materials based on SnO2 and/or TiO2 with proper electronic conductivity and high stability in acid environments.

Job description
This PhD student at DTU Energy will be part of the section for Fundamental Electrochemistry, but will also have to interact with other sections of the Department and with external partners of the project. In particular, a close cooperation with IRD company, Denmark, and University of St. Andrews, Scotland, is foreseen. The PhD position has a multidisciplinary nature and thus you will need to draw on the knowledge of several experts to reach the project aims. You will be primarily engaged with carrying out synthesis, stability test and implementation of deposition techniques of thin layers onto the cell and stack components.

Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree within Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science on an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. An absolute demand is very good communication skills in English, both written and spoken. Ability to work independently, to plan and carry out complex tasks, to perform complicated experiments, and to do theory based data analysis, is necessary.

The final assessment of the applicants will be made by the PhD Committee for Chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering.

Please submit your online application no later than 31 March 2015. Read the full job advertisement and apply online at

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