PhD Studentship - Base Metal-Catalysed Hydrofunctionalisation and Photocatalysis

University of Edinburgh

with Dr Stephen Thomas, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, and in association with AstraZeneca and The Royal Society (seperately)

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship within the Thomas group to develop novel base metal-catalysed hydrofunctionalisation reactions and photocatalysis reactions.  This studentship will use synthetic organic and inorganic techniques, and mechanistic investigations to develop a highly novel set of sustainable catalytic methodologies to enable the future of chemical synthesis in a resource critical society.

The Thomas group are a close-knit and enthusiastic team made-up of undergraduates, PhD students and post-docs. Our work focuses on the development of new catalytic methodologies for sustainable chemical synthesis using non-toxic, environmentally benign and inexpensive reagents and catalysts. Ultimately, we aim to provide the non-expert with operationally simple methods for the construction of complex molecular frameworks. Underpinning this is a keen interest in physical organic chemistry and organometallic mechanism to understand and probe the fundamental reactivity and interactions of our developed methods.

The successful candidate will work in Edinburgh and have the possibility of working with one of our collaborators in the UK, Germany or USA for an extended period.  The studentship is associated with AstraZeneca will include a three-month placement at AstraZeneca (Discovery Chemistry, UK). 

A fully-funded (tuition fees & stipend) 36-month PhD studentship is available to start on 1 September 2015. The candidate must satisfy University of Edinburgh entry requirements as well as EPSRC studentship eligibility requirements, having settled status in the UK and having been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK for 3 years prior to the start of the studentship. The EPSRC stipend rate for 2014/15 was £13,863 per annum.

How to Apply

Send a CV including two referees to Dr Stephen Thomas (

For additional information:
