Two PhD positions in «social network dynamics»

The Chair of Social Networks at ETH Zurich is offering two fully-funded 3 year PhD positions in the field of «social network dynamics» starting September 2015. The Chair of Social Networks at ETH Zurich studies social networks by combining research approaches from the social sciences, statistics and computer science. We employ modern data collection practices and develop statistical methods and scientific software to tackle substantive research questions from the social sciences.

Two PhD positions in «social network dynamics»

The PhD project will investigate the dynamics of social networks. It may involve development and discussion of social theory, planning and conducting of network data collection, development and application of statistical methods and development of scientific software. The project’s research design should be elaborated by the student in the first year of the PhD program together with the research group. Students will receive training in multiple sub-disciplines of social networks research. Potential domains of substantive research include, but are not limited to, fundamental principles of network evolution, social influence, change and origins of group performance, communication dynamics, the emergence of (inter-)group conflict and segregation. The research project may also focus on the development of statistical models and software solutions for social network dynamics and their application in the social sciences.

Successful candidates will have an excellent master’s degree in statistics, computer science or social sciences (or a related field) and will be motivated to incorporate elements of all three disciplines in their research project. The applicant must be fluent in English and willing to work in an English speaking environment. We offer an inspiring research environment at one of the world’s top universities, close collaboration in a small research team that is part of a leading international network of social networks researchers, advanced training in modern social networks research, generous research funding and a competitive salary. Zurich has been repeatedly named the city with the highest quality of life.

For further information please contact Prof. Christoph Stadtfeld by e-mailchristoph.stadtfeld<στο> (no applications) and visit our website

Online applications with a letter of motivation, a statement of research interests, a CV, course transcripts and contact details of three referees should be sent online until February 28th, 2015 with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mr. Olivier Meyrat, Human Resources, CH-8092 Zürich. A one-page description of potential research project ideas may be added.