Doctoral Student, Information Systems

Department of Information Processing Science and INTERACT research group ( at the University of Oulu, Finland, has an opening for one (1) doctoral student position in Information Systems.

The research area of the INTERACT group is information technology (IT) in its various forms embedded in everyday human practices. The research group has strong background in multidisciplinary research, combining perspectives from both humanistic and information technology oriented disciplines. The group relies mainly on qualitative, participatory and constructive research approaches, developing novel information technology enabled services and experimenting with them in the field context for understanding the potential value of the service. Value is examined as a holistic concept addressing business impact, subjectively experienced value, domain specific value parameters, such as health/environment/behavior impact, etc. The focus is on the development, adoption and validation of IT based services and on the collaboration of network of actors co-creating value through the adoption of the service. The service domains can include, for example, retail, health and wellbeing, and mobility. The research examines value co-creation networks, i.e. it requires collaboration with companies and organizations developing, producing and delivering the services as well as with individuals who are involved in service adoption and delivery in various roles as users, employees, developers and decision makers.

The research performed by the doctoral student should fit or complement the above mentioned research themes.

As a Doctoral Student you will carry out research work within a research team, publish research results in the most esteemed international fora, attend doctoral courses and complete your doctoral thesis within 3–4 years. Please also read the detailed requirements of the University of Oulu Graduate School:

The doctoral student positions are typically available for 4 years. There is a teaching obligation. Starting salary will be based on the job specific level 2 according to the university salary

system for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities (about 2100 € per month), and salary increases as the PhD work progress. The salary is paid for 12 months in a year. Additionally, the doctoral students are entitled to health care benefits.

The successful candidate should have a Master’s degree. Master students near completion can also apply.

Send your application and the appendices using the electronic application form by 23 March 2015 at the following address:

in Finnish:

in English:

For further information regarding the filling of this post:

Professor Minna Isomursu, email: minna.isomursu(at)

Professor Kari Kuutti, email: kari.kuutti(at)