2 Doctoral Student Positions in Empirical Software Engineering

Two Doctoral Student positions in Empirical Software Engineering,

for a period of four years

The Department of Information Processing Science (http://www.oulu.fi/tol/) and M-Group research group (http://www.oulu.fi/mgroup/) at the University of Oulu, Finland, is seeking candidates for two (2) doctoral student positions in Empirical Software Engineering, starting at the latest Sep 2015. Application deadline is March 23, 2015.

M-Group’s research theme is empirical software engineering. The application domains include telecom, automotive and healthcare. M-Group’s collaboration with industry provides the empirical environment for the research. Software Factory and the related ecosystem with companies and other software factories provides an environment in which the group can carry out student experiments as well as industrial experiments and case studies. M-Group has a long tradition in international collaboration. The group is a member of the top software engineering research network ISERN (M-Group director Prof. Oivo is one of its six founding members) and has actively participated in large European research projects since the 1990’s. Over 30% of the group is international members. There are two world-class FiDiPro professors working in the group. Members of the group have published their research in leading software engineering journals and conferences, e.g. IEEE Transactions on SE, IEEE Software, Empirical SE, Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software, and International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).

Conditions and requirements

We require:

  • A Completed Master’s degree in a related field, e.g. Computer Science, Software Engineering, Psychology. Students near completion can also apply.
  • Good English skills (writing, speaking)

We appreciate:

  • Programming skills
  • Working knowledge of empirical research methods

We offer:

  • Possibility to do a PhD in a top-level research group
  • Department has excellent collaboration with industry
  • International environment and projects, English as a working language

The doctoral student positions are available for 4 years. There is a teaching obligation. Starting salary will be based on the job specific level 2 according to the university salary system for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities (about 2100 € per month), and salary increases as the PhD work progress. The salary is paid for 12 months in a year. Additionally, the doctoral students are entitled to health care benefits.

Application Procedure

Applications, including any attachments, should be submitted using the electronic application form by 23 March 2015 at the following address:

in Finnish:


in English:


The following documents must be attached to the application:

  1. Brief curriculum vitae in English,
  2. Motivation letter,
  3. Master’s thesis document (or a link for online access)
  4. Transcript of study records
  5. Contact information for two references

For further information regarding the filling of this post:

Professor Mika Mäntylä, e-mail: mika.mantyla<στο>oulu.fi,

Professor Burak Turhan, e-mail: burak.turhan<στο>oulu.fi,