PhD Position in POWDERTUBE - additive construction of tubular components by selective laser melting

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Institution: Politecnico di Milano 

Dept/School/Faculty: Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Manufacturing and Production Systems Section

PhD Supervisor: Prof. B. Previtali
Application Deadline: 2:00 pm, March 23rd 2015
Funding Availability: Funded PhD Project-Industrial Doctorate (Students Worldwide)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano hereby declares the following position to be open for application:
Industrial Doctorate Position – POWDERTUBE - additive construction of tubular components by selective laser melting
This position is available in the framework of an Industrial Doctorate, and foresees formal collaboration between industry and academia for the development of the specific research subject. PhD studies will be performed in the research area of Manufacturing and Production Systems with specialization in POWDERTUBE - additive construction of tubular components by selective laser melting, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, starting May 1st, 2015.
The research is aimed at investigating the rapid fabrication of tubular products through the selective laser melting (SLM) process. The SLM is an emerging additive manufacturing process that uses a high brilliance laser to locally fuse a metallic powder to create 3D metal parts layer by layer. Aim of the research is to study the SLM process of tubular geometries so as tubular parts can be produced at an industrial level with the intended quality. The feasibility, repeatability and robustness of the SLM process will be investigated with the partnership of BLM Group.

The methodology of the research will involve rigorous experimental approaches and physical models applied to the design, use and monitoring of the SLM process. Moreover the AM250 Renishaw SLM machine will be available at the AddMe Lab as well as all the resources and equipment of Mechanical Engineering Department necessary to experiment the SLM process and to assess the product final quality.

The position is funded for 36 months; scholarship net amount is 1.200 euro/month, and  extra-funding (500 euro/month) is available for research periods abroad (up to 6 months). The position benefits from financial aid for study materials and conference fees during II and III year (1.370 euro/year).

Requirements: Master of Science (min. 5 years of graduate education); Certified English Language proficiency.
Mandatory attachments: scientific research project proposal; complete cv.
The application should be sent no later than March 23rd, 2:00 pm Italian time. Please click on the link below for complete application procedure
For further information about the position, please contact