EPSRC Industrial CASE Doctoral Studentship

University of Oxford - Oxford e-Research Centre and Department of Computer Science

Supervisor: Professor Min Chen

Start Date: October 2015

In conjunction with Airbus Group, the Visual Computing Team at Oxford e-Research Centre is offering a fully funded D.Phil studentship in Oxford University. The D.Phil student will be registered in the Department of Computer Science.

Jointly funded by EPSRC and Airbus Group, the studentship will cover fees at home/eu rates and will provide a stipend of at least £13863 per year. In addition there will be a top up to this stipend of approximately £3000.  There will also be provision for some travel funds, especially for the costs associated with placement at Airbus. The studentship will be funded for 3.5 years and will start in October 2015.

This position is associated with an industrial project on “Advanced Visual Analytics Methods for Large and Complex Data.”  The academic supervisor is Professor Min Chen, an internationally-leading expert on visual analytics. The industrial supervisor is Dr Pablo Bermell-Garcia (Airbus). The goal of this project is to make significant advance in visual analytics, where statistics, analytical algorithms, visualization and interfaces are integrated together to benefit from both machine capabilities and human capabilities in data intelligence. The project may cover advancement of theoretical foundations, designs of visual analytics pipelines and interfaces, and implementation of prototype software systems. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work closely with Airbus Group, a global corporation with tremendous impact.

We will consider applicants who have excellent knowledge of computer science, mathematics or computing engineering, and possess strong software engineering or/and mathematical skills. Candidates must also have good writing, communication, presentation, and organization skills. Skills in visual design will be advantageous but not be essential. Applicants must in addition satisfy the usual requirements for studying for a doctorate at Oxford, see selection criteria here:


There is no deadline for applying. We will continue to process applications until a suitable candidate is found. A decision may be made in as early as March 2015, when the interview of the first group of shortlisted applicants will be held. Candidates are therefore recommended to apply as soon as possible.

To apply in the first instance candidates should send their CV, a transcript with a list of courses and grades, and a motivational letter explaining why you want this studentship to:


Please also email if you have any questions about the application process.
