PhD Position – Synthesis of fluorescent molecules and their application to the sensitive and selective detection of phosphorus compounds

The goal of this thesis is to design a new class of fluorescent molecules which have at the same time both sensitivity and of selectivity towards the detection of organophosphorus compounds (hereafter noted as OP, which are either phosphates or phosphonates). The principle consists in preparing a molecule presenting excellent fluorescence properties, the latter being largely modified while interacting with an OP. The result can be an enhancement, a fluorescence quenching or the emission wavelength shifting. The suggested work thus concerns the synthesis of new fluorescent molecules, their complete characterization, in particular from the photophysical point of view (absorption, fluorescence, quantum yield, TCSPC, and so on). The second part of the work consists in studying the impact of the OP on the spectroscopic properties of the molecule. A molecular design will complete the work with a SAR approach (Structure-Activity Relationship) in order to obtain at the same time a sensitive, but selective molecule compared to some other undesired molecules. An iterative process (synthesis, characterization, tests, test analysis) will make it possible to afford the best molecule.

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: DM2I (LIST)
Laboratory: Laboratoire Capteurs et Architectures Electroniques
Start Date: 01-10-2015
ECA Code: SL-DRT-15-1011
Contact: matthieu.hamel<στο>