Post-doctoral position – Topology reconstruction of a complex wire network with a distributed sensor network

Reflectometry is a technique used to measure impedance variations in a wire. These variations are due to singularities (defects, presence of connectors, branching, end of cable, etc.). The technique works similarly as the Radar: a wave is sent in the medium and the reflections are measured and analysed in order to obtain a view of the propagation medium. This postdoc consists in studying the possibility to reconstruct the topology of a complex wire network (considered as a black box) using several measurements. These measures can be reflectograms from differents locations or transferograms (which are analogous to reflectograms, the transmitter being different from the receiver). The main scientific obstacle is the ambiguity resolution during the measurements analysis. Indeed, from a unique point of view several configurations can lead to the same reflectograms. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to study several techniques that could be useful: bayesian analysis, genetic algorithms, ensemblist approaches, data fusion, fuzzy logic, neural networks, or any other technique appropriate to the resolution of this kind of inverse problem.

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département Architectures Conception et Logiciels Embarqués (LIST-LETI)
Laboratory: Laboratoire De Fiabilisation des Systèmes Embarqués
Start Date: 01-04-2015
ECA Code: PsD-DRT-15-0035
Contact: jaume.benoit<στο>