Doctoral Student or Postdoctoral Researcher, CMV

The Center for Machine Vision Research (CMV) at the University of Oulu, Finland, is inviting applications for two positions:

Doctoral Student or Postdoctoral Researcher

to work on 1) Multimodal face and speech analysis or 2) Physiological signal reconstruction from visual data

A successful candidate for Doctoral Student or Postdoctoral Researcher position is expected to hold Master´s or doctoral degree in computer science or electrical engineering with previous experience and publications on computer vision or a related area. Strong mathematical and programming skills with C/C++/Matlab are respected. Also, good knowledge of spoken and written English is required.

Further details about the positions:

  • Start date: May 2015 (negotiable)
  • Duration: 1 year (renewable).  Doctoral  student(s)  are expected to apply for four-year Infotech Oulu Doctoral Program positions later this year.
  • Salaries according to university salary system, teaching and research personnel (before tax, depending on the qualifications):
  • Doctoral Student: 2400-2900 euros per month
  • Postdoctoral Researcher: 3300-3700 euros per month

CMV  ( provides an inspiring and international research environment. The goal of our research is to develop novel computer vision methods and technologies that create basis for emerging innovative applications. For example, our work on Local Binary Pattern (LBP), facial image analysis,  and geometric camera calibration has been widely cited in the scientific literature, and the results have been applied in many areas of image and video analysis.

Please contact Professor Matti Pietikäinen, mkp(at) or Associate Professor Guoying Zhao,gyzhao(at) for further information.


Please fill in your application, CV (including contact details for 2 references) and a list of publications or portfolio by March 23rd, 2015.