Director of the Library

coupled with a notice for an



Director of the Library








(Type 2g of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants- CEOS)





The EUI is organising a selection procedure for the position of the Director of the Library.

Duration of the contract: initially four years, renewable for a fixed period of four years. On expiry of the renewed contract, the temporary agent may be appointed as a permanent employee by decision of the EUI’s President in his capacity as Appointing Authority. Exceptionally, a permanent position may be offered on expiry of the initial four-year contract.

The online application period will end on 23/03/2015 at 24:00 GMT+1 (CET, Central European Time).


The European University Institute (EUI) is an academic institution set up in 1972 by the then Member States of the European Union, providing doctoral training in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation and Political and Social Sciences with special reference to Europe. In addition to the departments, the Institute includes the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), which focuses on inter-disciplinary, comparative and policy research on the major issues affecting European societies, and the Max Weber Programme for Post-doctoral Studies, which prepares fellows for a career in academia. The Institute is not an EU Institution or body, but an intergovernmental organisation, funded directly by the signatory states, partly by the European Commission and to some extent through external funding. The EUI provides a multinational work environment in an intellectually stimulating atmosphere.

The Library is at the academic heart of the Institute, providing an important service to the research community of the EUI - Professors, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and associates. 


Nature of duties:

The Director of the Library is ex officio a voting member of the Academic Council and is expected to be the Institute's expert on scientific and research information.

He/she plays a significant role in relevant international networks and projects associated with the research proposals of the EUI.

In view of the central role of the Library, the EUI is looking for a professional with good managerial and communication skills, innovative ideas and with a vision to fill the vacant post of Library Director.

It will be the responsibility of the new director to further develop the services for the academic departments and the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, and to review the library strategy so that it is in sync with the academic and research needs and policies of the Institute and the continuously changing information environment.

The Director of the Library will report to the President and to the Secretary General.


On the closing date for online applications, candidates must fulfil all the following general and specific conditions:

  3.1 General conditions

  • Enjoy full rights as a citizen attested by a recent extract from judicial records and/or certificate of good conduct proving no previous conviction for a criminal or administrative offence that could call into question his/her suitability for performing the duties of the post;
  • Have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the laws on military service;
  • Be physically fit to perform the duties.

  3.2 Specific conditions

3.2.1 Education (Qualifications)

  • a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma when the normal period of university education is four (4) years or more; or
  • a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one (1) year when the normal period of university education is at least three (3) years. This professional experience will be considered part of the educational qualification and will not be taken into account in the required numbers of professional experience under 3.2.2.

  3.2.2 Professional experience

On the closing date for applications, and in addition to the qualifications required above,   candidates must have at least 5 years of professional experience gained after obtaining the diploma required under 3.2.1- Qualificationsincluding professional experience directly relevant to the tasks of the post of at least 3 years.  

   3.3 Knowledge of Languages

  • Main language: have a thorough knowledge of one official language of the European Union


  • Second language: a satisfactory knowledge of another official language of the European Union.



  • University degree ;
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research and teaching needs, preferably in the social sciences, and within the academic scholarly environment;
  • At least 5 years of professional experience, preferably in a university or research environment;
  • An aptitude for, and experience of, strategic planning;
  • Good managerial and communication skills;
  • Excellent knowledge of English, both orally and in writing.


  • Work experience in an international environment;
  • Knowledge of additional EU languages.


Applications must be submitted electronically using the IUE/2/2015 online application formavailable at

at the latest by 23/03/2015 at 24.00 (please see also the specific guidelines under section 19 “Important information” of the application form).

Only complete applications will be accepted and considered. Applications received by e-mail, fax or post will not be considered.

A large number of applications may be received, therefore in order to avoid any technical constraints, we advise you to submit your application well ahead of the deadline.

The Selection Board will screen the documents of applicants with reference to the above-mentioned eligibility criteria as well as to the essential and advantageous selection criteria and will on the basis of these findings establish a shortlist.

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for the written and oral tests and for the interview.

Candidates will be disqualified if they:

  • do not complete the registration by the deadline
  • do not send a complete application
  • do not meet all the eligibility criteria on the closing date for online applications
  • do not provide all the required supporting documents at any stage of the procedure where these are requested.

If at any stage of the procedure, it is found that any of the information given in the application is false or not evidenced by the appropriate supporting documents, the candidate will be disqualified from the competition.

Contact:  applyjob<στο>

Information to Candidates:

Candidates who are not shortlisted will be duly notified by the Personnel Service, once the Decision on the appointed candidate has been taken by the Appointing Authority.


A limited number of candidates (no more than 7), as shortlisted by the Selection Board, will be invited for a two-day visit to the EUI consisting of:

6.1 Information session       

All shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an informal information session at the EUI. Information on the EUI’s mission, services and environment will be given by various EUI staff members (different from the members of the Selection Board).

6.2 Written and Oral tests comprising:

  • an English language test  (oral and written)

6.3 Interview

The interview will be conducted mainly in English (knowledge of other EU languages may also be tested). Mother tongue English speakers will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge of a second EU language.

The purpose of the interview will be to

  • test the candidate’s capacity to  take on the responsibilities required by the post  (max.25 points)
  • test the communication skills required to work in an international academic institution (max.15 points)
  • assess the personality and motivation of the applicants (max.10 points)

6.4 Strategic paper

Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit a strategic paper of approximately 800 words on the management and development of the EUI Library.  The modalities and timeframe for submission of this mission statement/vision document will be specified in the invitation letter.  

Assessment on the basis of qualifications and marking of tests:

Marking: 0 to 20 for the assessment on the basis of qualifications;

Marking: 0 to 20 for the strategic paper;

Marking: 0 to 10 for the language test;

Marking: 0 to 50 for the interview by the Selection Board

The names of the selected candidate and, if applicable, of candidates included in the reserve list will be published on the EUI Web site:

Important Information for Candidates:

Candidates are reminded that the work of the Selection Board is confidential. It is thus forbidden to make any contact with the members of the Board, either directly or indirectly, at any stage of the selection procedure. Any infringement of this rule will lead to disqualification from the selection procedure.

Candidates should not encourage third parties either to contact the Selection Board on their behalf. Any infringement of this rule may lead to disqualification of the candidate.    


Type of contract:

The successful candidate will be appointed by the Appointing Authority as a temporary agent at gradeAD10, pursuant to Title II of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants, for an initial period of four years, with the possibility to be renewed for a fixed period of four years. On expiry of the renewed contract, the temporary agent may be appointed as a permanent employee by decision of the Appointing Authority. Exceptionally, a permanent position may be offered after the initial period of four years.

The successful candidate will be asked to serve a probationary period of nine months.

The place of employment is Florence, where the EUI is located.


The net monthly salary is approx. Euro 6,370 after taxes and social security contributions. In addition to the salary, staff members may be entitled to various allowances, in particular a household allowance, expatriation allowance (16% of basic salary and household allowance[1]), dependent child allowance and education allowance. The EUI has its own social security and pension scheme. Under certain circumstances, in particular where the selected candidate is obliged to change his/her place of residence in order to take up employment, the EUI may also reimburse various expenses incurred on recruitment, notably removal expenses.


The European University Institute is an equal opportunity employer in accordance with Article 1d of its Staff Regulations. It accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation.  


The purpose of processing of the data you submit is to manage your application in view of a possible pre-selection and recruitment by the EUI. The information candidates provide in their application form is collected for the purpose of the selection procedure.

The EUI will ensure that candidates’ personal data are processed as required by its Data Protection Policy (President’s Decision No. 40 of 27 August 2013 regarding Data Protection at the EUI). This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.


If at any stage of the selection procedure, the candidate considers that his/her interests have been prejudiced by a particular decision, he/she can take the following action:

  • Request for review

In assessing candidates' merits, the selection board observes the principle of equal treatment as well as the provisions governing the Competition procedure and the Board’s proceedings.

If a candidate nevertheless believes that one of these principles has not been applied in his/her case, he/she has the right, within ten calendar days from when the e-mail informing him/her of the decision is sent, to send a letter by e-mail stating his/her case to the e-mail address:  applyjob<στο>

The candidate shall quote in the subject line of his e-mail:

  • The reference number for this competition
  • The candidate/ application number
  • “Request for review”
  • What stage of the selection the candidate’s complaint concerns

If a request for review comes within the selection board’s remit, the secretariat of the selection board, will forward the request for review to the Chair of the Selection Board and a reply will be sent as soon as possible from the Personnel and Administration Service following the indications received from the Selection Board.

More information on the request for review available under Section 4 of the Guidelines to Competitions for posts at the EUI available at:

  • Appeal Procedures

If, at any stage of the competition, the candidate considers that the Personnel and Administration Service or the Selection Board have acted unfairly or have failed to comply with:

‐ the rules governing the competition procedure, or‐ the provisions of the competition notice,

and that his or her interests have been prejudiced as a result, the candidate can take the following actions:

1. Submit a Formal Complaint to the Principal under Article 1(2) of the Common Provisions for the Teaching and Administrative Staff at the following address:

The Principal
European University Institute
Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini 9
I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole 

The complaint should clearly quote:

  • “complaint under Article 1(2) of Common Provisions for the Teaching Staff and Administrative Staff”
  • the candidate/application number
  • the reference of the selection procedure,
  • the stage of the selection procedure to which it refers.

2. Submit a judicial appeal before the Organ of First Instance addressed to:

Secretary of the Organ of First Instance and of the Appeals Board
c/o Internal Audit Service
European University Institute
Badia Fiesolana
Via dei Roccettini 9
I‐50014 San Domenico di Fiesole
Tel. 0554685652/0554685431

Please note that appeals concerning an error of assessment relating to the general eligibility criteria are not matters for which the competition’s selection board is responsible shall only be admissible before the Organ of First Instance if an administrative complaint has previously been lodged under article 1, paragraph 2 of the EUI Staff Regulations.

More information on the complaint procedure and on further means of appeal under the EUI’s judicial review framework available at: