Senior Software Engineer

IRIS - International Research Institute on Social Fraud

Louvain la Neuve, Belgium

Job description:

As senior software engineer you will work in the IRISDocument and Toolkits team. Our I.R.I.S. Products are using different programming languages such as Java - C++ - .Net and they are supported on different platforms, including Windows - Linux - Unix & Mac. 


  • You will be developing and maintaining the iDRS™ and IRISDocument™ products;
  • Understand a user story and create a technical design;
  • Implement a technical design; including unit tests and integration test;
  • Drafting the documentation, relating to the above stages;
  • Maintaining the code: bug fixing, refactoring, enhancements;
  • Use programming language and tools that the team has decided to use for the project/module;
  • You will work in a team with 4 software engineers, applying team coding rules and processes;
  • You will support key partners (OEM);
  • You will report on the progress of your activities to the teamleader.


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in Computer/Engineering Science with at least 3 - 5 years of relevant experience;
  • Thorough Experience in object-oriented programming: Very good knowledge of C++;
  • Good knowledge of at least one of the following languages: Java or C#;
  • Good knowledge of the following Tools & Databases: Visual Studio - Eclipse - SVN - GCC - Continuous Integration - XCODE - SCRUM;
  • Basic knowledge of the following technologies/systems: Linux - Junit/Nunit/CppUnit - Jenkins - ANT - SQL - Mac OS - Unix - web services;
  • Experience in image processing and/or pattern recognition;
  • Experience in the following methodologies is a plus: Agile Software development - Test Driven development - Continuous integration;
  • Good knowledge of English. Knowledge of French is a plus;
  • Personal skills: Strong analytical, autonomous, communicative (towards teammembers, teamleader and non-developers), studious and problem solving skills.

For more details and to apply for this job click here