Four-year EngD scholarship with FORMAX: ‘Advanced CFRP simulation for the development of fabric architectures and process improvement’

University of Nottingham - Faculty of Engineering

Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC) in Composites Manufacture at The University of Nottingham)

As manufacturers of carbon-fibre and e-glass structural fabrics, FORMAX are positioned in the centre of the composites supply chain within the automotive, marine, wind and aerospace industry. We supply into a diverse range of products including many of the world’s high performance production car projects as well as custom, one-off racing yachts. There has been an increase in demand for optimised fabric architectures, bespoke to a given process and performance requirement. Additionally there has been an uptake in demand for full material characterisation for use in simulation of both composites process and performance.

FORMAX have recently completed a 2 year project with the University of Nottingham to provide an in-house capability to test composite materials using state of the art methods. This EngD project is intended to springboard from this newly developed characterisation capability and use it to develop novel simulation techniques, composite processes and laminate structures for use industry.

The project will be customer led: This means there will be a demanding automotive company, yacht manufacturer and sporting goods maker pulling the project to a useful conclusion. The results will enhance our customer’s production processes and finished products, and will further enhance the reputation of FORMAX as a world class supplier. The benefit of this for the successful candidate is exposure to the high performance composites supply chain, from fibre suppler through to end user.

Required skills:

  • Mix of practical and theoretical
  • Composites manufacture (VI, RTM)
  • Composites engineering (laminate theory, ROM, Darcy’s law)
  • Structural engineering (beam and panel theory, failure modes)
  • Testing (knowledge of test standards and methods)
  • FEA and/or other simulation
  • Customer facing, and equally happy to knuckle down and find solutions

All EngD students are supervised by an academic and an industrial supervisor. This project will be supervised by Professor Andrew Long (The University of Nottingham) and Tom James (FORMAX UK Ltd). The successful candidate will be sited at FORMAX UK Ltd in Leicester.

About the IDC and the EngD programme:

For further information about the IDC and the EngD programme please visit:

Candidate requirements:

An upper second-class degree (2:1) and/or masters degree with at least a Merit in an appropriate discipline. Please note that this project is not available to international students due to tier 4 visa requirements.

Funding: Tuition fees are covered plus a tax free stipend of £20k per annum.

How to apply:

If you are interested in applying for this EngD project please send your CV and a covering letter to the IDC at

For further information contact idc<στο>     

Project start date: as soon as possible.
