PhD - Understanding Degradation Mechanisms in Perovskite Based PV Devices

University of Sheffield - Department of Physics and Astronomy

We are seeking an enthusiastic student to explore the basic mechanisms underpinning device degradation and failure in organohalide perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Perovskite solar cells are a new class of renewable energy device that have the potential to generate solar energy at very low cost and high efficiency. At present however, many of the basic mechanisms that contribute to the operational stability of devices are unknown. In this project, you will fabricate, optimize and characterize PSC devices, and then use two-dimensional optical and structural mapping techniques to probe the local chemical and electronic state of the materials. These measurements will be combined with device-scale electrical measurement and real-world lifetime studies, in order to elucidate key degradation mechanisms. This will help you to design strategies and ultimately develop materials and devices having improved operational stability.

This PhD project is part of the Centre for Doctoral studies in New and Sustainable Photovoltaics ( This CDT covers all aspects of photovoltaic research, and will equip students with an excellent background in PV science, technology and applications. You will be based in the Electronic and Photonic Molecular Materials group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Sheffield (see The group is equipped with excellent facilities for the development and testing of thin-film optoelectronic devices.
