Service Engineer in Electron Microscopy (80-100%)

The Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM) is a central scientific technology platform of ETH Zurich providing resources and services in light and electron microscopy (and related areas) as well as direct access to state-of-the-art microscopy and sample preparation equipment. As of April 1st, 2015, or upon agreement, we have an opening for a permanent position as

Service Engineer in Electron Microscopy (80-100%)

ScopeM maintains state-of-the art microscopy equipment and supports a variety of interdisciplinary research and training programs as well as methodological research in light and electron microscopy. ScopeM operates notably numerous transmission and scanning electron microscopes (TEM & SEM), including Focused Ion Beam SEM (FIB-SEM). Your main responsibilities include the maintenance and repair of TEM and FIB-SEM, their analytical extensions as well as dedicated sample preparation equipment. You are used to work independently, you can autonomously diagnose problems and execute small repairs on such instruments. You are furthermore in charge of the coordination/execution of repairs in collaboration with the instrument suppliers. In addition, you will train new users on the TEM as well as related sample preparation and analytical methods. You will run independently service projects and are welcome to participate in method development and research projects, if you are interested.

You bring along experience in the operation, maintenance and repair of TEM, ideally also SEM and FIB-SEM, a good understanding in electron microscopy and maintenance services in that domain and as well teaching skills for basic TEM. A welcoming working environment in an international and multidisciplinary microscopy and structure research facility awaits you. We are an equal opportunity employer. We have an experienced team and an excellent mechanical and electronics workshop. The lab language is German and English.

For further information please contact Dr. Roger Wepf by phone, +41 79 832 22 30, or e-mail, (no applications), and visit our website

Applications with a cover letter and full CV should be submitted online (button below) and addressed to: ETH Zurich, Human Resources, Mr. Michael Wobmann, CH-8093 Zurich.