Postdoctoral researcher – LAGUNA neutrino detectors, Liquid Argon (LAr) demonstrator, technology transfer to Pyhäsalmi Mine

Oulu Southern Institute, the regional unit of University of Oulu is looking for a


to participate in the development process of the LAGUNA neutrino detectors, comprising the Liquid Argon (LAr) demonstrator and an underground pilot, and to support the project’s technology transfer to Pyhäsalmi Mine.

The Postdoctoral researcher will work in underground physics research group (CUPP) of University of Oulu, and close connection with the international collaborations. The long-term goal of the LAGUNA consortium is to build a deep underground neutrino observatory, and on the basis of several years EU funded studies, the Pyhäsalmi Mine area has turned out to be the most optimal site in Europe for deployment. At this stage, the consortium is developing and building Demonstrator detectors at CERN (WA105), and the next planned stage is to build an underground pilot in the Pyhäsalmi Mine.

The postdoctoral researcher will work in these projects by participating in the design, construction and commissioning work of prototypes and by preparing the steps towards realization of the pilot at Pyhäsalmi. She/he will also work as a link between the international project and Finnish industry. The postdoctoral researcher will be located at Pyhäjärvi in the CUPP research group, but a notable part of the work will be done at CERN and therefore the successful candidate will need to travel when work tasks require it.

The position requires PhD degree and we expect that the selected candidate has a deep experience in experimental particle or nuclear physics, and has knowledge also on technology. Good command of English is required. A successful candidate should also have an experience from international projects and from working in international environment.

The fixed-term position will be filled for two years (1.5.2015 – 30.4.2017). The possible continuation of the position depends on the future funding frames.

The salary of the Postdoctoral researcher will be set at the level 5 or 6 of the national salary scale for the teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. In addition, supplementary remuneration will be given for personal achievement and performance, the sum rising to a maximum of 46.3%. The overall salary range is € 3500 – 4000 gross.

In your application, please provide the following information:

  • CV
  • the list of 10 selected publication
  • names and email addresses of two referees
  • other documents which may influence the decision

Send your application and the appendices using the electronic application form by March 13, 2015 at the following address:

in Finnish:

in English:

Potential candidates will be interviewed for the open position during March 2015.

Additional information:

Project Manager Timo Enqvist, timo.enqvist(at)

Research Manager Marko Aittola, marko.aittola(at)

Director Ville Isoherranen, ville.isoherranen(at)