PhD Student - Nanophotonics and Biophysics


The Rudolf-Virchow-Center/DFG-Research Center for Experimental Biomedicine of the University of Würzburg invites to apply for a position as a 

PhD Student 
(Physics / Engineering)

In the field of Nanophotonics & Biophysics

In this cross-disciplinary approach we combine highresolution concepts of fluorescence microscopy with tricks from material sciences. Our approach involves designing and nanofabricating biocompatible nanostructured microscopy slides and coverglasses for live cell applications that give rise to fundamentally new optical properties and the manipulation of light for superresolution imaging.

The project involves modelling, design and development of such metamaterial based substrates that serve as modified coverglasses for live-cell imaging. The overall goal is to detect conformational changes and receptor interactions even for relatively large donor-acceptor-distances that are typically not accessible using classic FRET imaging. The project particularly requires enthusiasm for plasmonics and high-resolution microscopy.

The project is a close collaboration of the Biophotonics group of Dr. Katrin Heinze and the Technical Physics department of Prof. Martin Kamp, and the candidate will be advised by both.

The position is initially funded for a period of one year and will be extended in the case of a positive evaluation. The salary for this temporary position is commensurate with training and experience according to salary agreement (TV-L, for a PhD candidate, the position is part-time (65%) for a three-year dissertation).


We are interested in PhD candidates with strong background in condensed matter physics holding a Master’s degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering or an equiva-lent level of professional qualifications and experience. Ideally, the candidate has experience in thin film deposition and characterization. Advanced skills in experi-mental and numerical modeling of nanophotonic systems is mandatory. Experience in superresolution and single-molecule imaging is desired, however not a prerequisite.

Applications including cover letter, detailed CV, and contact information of two referees, should be sent to Dr. Katrin Heinze, by using the APPLY button.


Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants will be preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification.