Postgraduate student positions in Electronics and Computer Engineering

Postgraduate student positions at Mid Sweden University, Department of Electronics Design, Campus Sundsvall

Dnr MIUN 2015/474
Dnr MIUN 2015/473
Dnr MIUN 2015/472

The research center STC (Sensible Things that Communicate announces open positions for postgraduate students in the area of industrial wireless sensor networks. The research will be carried out in collaboration with industrial partners in a larger integrated project within the fields of: Wireless network communication, Embedded computing for wireless sensor systems, and Energy harvesting for wireless sensors.

Position in Embedded computing for wireless sensor systems (MIUN 2015/474)
The research focus in embedded computing for wireless sensor systems will be on developing methods for design space exploration of embedded computing architectures through evaluating local and central processing in combination with methods for data compression over wireless communication channels.

For more information contact Prof. Mattias O’Nils (Mattias.Onils<στο>

Position in Predictable wireless sensor communication (MIUN 2015/473)
The research focus will be on reliable and predictable wireless communication for control applications in harsh industrial environments. Important aspects of this work will be developing techniques and methods to provide deterministic wireless communication in harsh radio environments and coexistence with other wireless systems using the same frequency band.

For more information contact Prof. Mikael Gidlund (Mikael.Gidlund<στο>

Position in Energy harvesting for wireless sensors (MIUN 2015/472)
The research focus for this position will be the performance prediction and evaluation of energy harvesting systems for wireless sensors. Specific tasks could include the quantification and modeling of ambient energy levels in target environments; the design and implementation of energy harvesting systems; the experimental evaluation of energy harvesting systems; and the design and investigation of modeling methodologies for energy harvesting systems.

For more information contact Prof. Bengt Oelmann (Bengt.Oelmann<στο>

Entry requirements: To meet the basic entry requirements for third-cycle programmes applicants must have a second-cycle degree or have completed studies of at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or have equivalent qualifications. Applicants with university degrees from other countries should have acquired the corresponding knowledge. Applicants with a degree from a programme of higher education of at least 120 credits or the equivalent achieved before 2007-07-01 are also eligible to apply

The specific entry requirements are completed studies corresponding to 90 ECTS (1.5 year) in electrical and computer engineering or closely related subjects.

Selection criteria: Apart from the formal competence the selection will also be based on other work (i.e thesis work), courses and on interviews of the applicant. Prior experience in wireless networks, signal processing, embedded systems, and real-time systems is seen as an advantage.  Personal qualities like teamwork skills, spirit of initiative, and suitability for postgraduate studies will be weighted together with the formal subject knowledge. A short description of the applicant’s visions and goals should be included in the application.

Employment: The postgraduate employment is intended to be an employment equivalent to four years fulltime studies and aims to lead to a Doctoral degree.

Process: The recruitment processes follows the regulations of the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, and in accordance with the appointment rules for postgraduate positions at Mid Sweden University.

Location: Sundsvall.
Commencement: By agreement.

Information: Further information is available from Claes Mattson, claes.mattson<στο>, phone, +46 (0)60 14 84 98, or +46 (0)70 28 35 685. See also for more information on doctoral studies in Sweden.

Union representative: Ummis Jonsson, SACO+46 (0)63 165308 and Lollo Ljuslin, ST/TCO, +46 (0)63 165714.

Application: The application should include affirmed curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, degree certificate/university diploma, description of aims according to what is said above and other documents you would like to refer to. Please send all documents to: Registrar, Mid Sweden University, 851 70 Sundsvall, or electronically to registrator<στο>

State of the applied position in your application according to:
Position in Embedded computing for wireless sensor systems: (MIUN 2015/474)
Position in Predictable wireless sensor communication: (MIUN 2015/473)
Position in Energy harvesting for wireless sensors: (MIUN 2015/472)

Applications must be received by Mid Sweden University no later than the 15 March, 2015.