PhD Studentship: Controlling biofilm formation on ureteric stents within a biomimetic model

University of Southampton - Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

Research Themes: Bioengineering and Human Factors, Fluid Dynamics, Materials and Surface Engineering.

In a healthy condition, the urine is conveyed from kidneys to the bladder through coordinated ureteric contractions. However, pathological conditions can cause ureteric obstruction by internal blockages (e.g., kidney stones) or external compressions (e.g., tumours). In order to release urine from the renal pelvis out of the body, a ureteric stent is often used if the obstruction cannot be removed. The most commonly used stents are hollow and flexible polymer tubes extending the entire length of the ureter with multiple side drainage holes on the tube wall.

However, despite the extensive clinical experience in using ureteric stents, complications related to stenting are still frequent, especially stents’ malfunction associated with the formation of biofilm where bacteria attach and grow on the stent surface, leading to the stent itself being blocked. Building on the previous studies on flow dynamics within stented ureters [1], the aim of this project is to elucidate the mechanism of biofilm formation within a biomimetic environment, which will be established with a microfluidic-based stented ureter model, allowing real-time monitoring of the biofilm formation process under physiologically relevant fluid flow conditions. With an in situ monitoring system, the biofilm formation profile will be detected with defined spatial and temporal resolutions. The adherence behaviour of uropathogenic bacteria will also be characterised by direct visualisation and subsequent image processing. These studies will rely on the expertise in microfluidics in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, and will involve close interaction with urological researchers with appropriate laboratory and clinical expertise.

[1] Clavica, F., et al., Investigating the flow dynamics in the obstructed and stented ureter by means of a biomimetic artificial model. PLoS ONE9, 1-12 (2014).

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Xunli Zhang, Bioengineering research group, Email: XL.Zhang<στο>, Tel: +44 (0) 2380 59 5099.


