Twenty (20) PhD Scholarships in Biology, CEA Life Sciences Division, France (2015 - 2016)

The CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) is a leading French public research organization with an internationally renowned Life Sciences program. The CEA’s Life Sciences Program offers a multidisciplinary environment, with emphasis on both basic and applied research, in partnership with leading universities and other research organizations to address two main societal focuses: Energy and Health. Successful candidates will receive a PhD degree from an affiliated leading French university (Universities of Paris, Grenoble, Marseille, etc.).

CEA’s PhD program in Life Sciences gives you the opportunity to start a fruitful scientific career. It will provide 3 year-PhD fellowships to 20 students starting their graduate studies in October-November 2015. These graduate students will be concurrently registered at an affiliated leading French university (Universities of Paris, Grenoble, Marseille, etc.) and will receive a PhD degree from said universities upon graduation.

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Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Μάρτιος 27, 2015