PhD Scholarship in Engineering Science

University of Nottingham - Faculty of Engineering – Division of Manufacturing and Process Technologies

Ice Particle Collisions
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship to join the Fluid & Particle Processes Group (Faculty of Engineering) at The University of Nottingham. This predominantly experimental project will make use of the unique magnetic levitation facility, housed in the School of Physics & Astronomy here in Nottingham.

Project description:
The formation of planets and comets, the precipitation of rain or snow from a cloud or the flocculation of particles from an asthma inhaler are processes that all critically depend on the minute details of particle properties as they collide. It is the outcome of these collisions that determine whether a planet grows, a rainstorm forms or a patient receives the correct dose of drugs. This project explores the relationship between particle properties and collision outcome using the unique properties of ice.

The PhD student will perform three key tasks:

  1. Developing and calibrating capacitance instrumentation to measure micro-scale liquid layers on the surface of ice particles below freezing.
  2. Using diamagnetic levitation to create controlled collisions of ice particles and snow flakes.
  3. Analysing the collision data to infer how collision outcome depends on particle properties.

This information will feed into the cloud physics model predicting ice particle size distributions, and hence rainfall rate, at the UK Met Office.

Applications are invited from students with a strong interest in experimental science, holding (or expecting to obtain) an excellent Masters degree in Physics, Chemistry or Engineering.

Subject to successful confirmation of funding, the studentship will cover PhD tuition fees and a tax-free stipend for three years (approximately £13,863 for 2015-2016) for UK/EU students. International students may apply if an appropriate funding stream can be identified( An additional £2,000 may be awarded for students with a 1st class degree/MSc distinction from a UK Russell Group University or equivalent. The studentship is available from October 2015.

Supervisors: Dr Barbara Turnbull, Dr David Hargreaves, Faculty of Engineering.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to barbara.turnbull<στο> To apply, please send a CV and cover letter to barbara.turnbull<στο>

Early application is strongly encouraged.

Please quote ref: ENG841
Closing date: 31 March 2015
