PhD - Interference-based Real-time Cell Sorting


Work environment

The Electronics and Informatics department (ETRO) belongs to the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and is embedded in the Multimedia Technology Department of the iMinds Research Institute.

ETRO performs research on the representation, transmission, analysis, quality assessment and visualization of multidimensional signals. ETRO has built a large international collaboration network with a wide variety of industrial partners, academic institutions and R&D centres, and participates in a numerous fundamental, strategic and applied research projects in these domains.

In (multi-dimensional) data representation, ETRO has been active for more than 20 years in various research areas, including predictive and transform-based coding of images, video and meshes, holographic coding, visual quality assessment, compressed sensing, machine learning, (bio)medical imaging and optimized media transmission over networks.

Imec performs world-leading research in nanoelectronics. Imec leverages its scientific knowledge with the innovative power of its global partnerships in ICT, healthcare and energy. Imec delivers industry-relevant technology solutions. In a unique high-tech environment, its international top talent is committed to providing the building blocks for a better life in a sustainable society. 

In life sciences, Imec develops advanced bio-electronic technologyto enable the development of next-generation of life science tools. Tools for life science research, diagnosis and treatment include besides lens-free microscopy and high-throughput cell sorting, also intelligent bioreactors, micro-PCR (lab-on-chip) and high-performance neural probes.

As you PhD student you will be integrated in the teams in both working environments.

Research topic

Flow cytometry is a work horse in life sciences as it is the only tool that can inspect and sort single cells with high throughput and minimal hands on time. Instruments on the market are large and expensive, resulting in long queuing times and preventing its widespread use in hematology and in clinical routine diagnosis. Obstacles that prevent cytometry miniaturisation are: 1) the costly and tedious assembly of optical components and 2) the lack of solutions for fast fluidic cell sorting.

In this project we target an innovative high throughput approach towards cytometry. We combine lensfree - i.e. holographic - digital imaging of cells on a high speed CMOS active optical pixel matrix integrated with a highly parallelised microfluidic backbone that steers cells towards different outlets using ultrafast thermal bubble actuation. Lensfree cell sorters can be realized in a cheap and compact platform, as all optomechanical components are replaced by nanoelectronics, advanced imaging and signal processing technology.

The achievable throughput will depend on the efficient implementation of cell classification, hence this project is focussing on neuro-evolutionary algorithms to increase the accuracy of the system. We will thereby enable high throughput sorting starting from milliliters of whole blood in a few minutes with many applications in life sciences and clinical diagnostics of diseases at the single cell level

Besides the scientific challenge, the position provides a great opportunity to work closely together with experienced researchers in the field of multidimensional signal processing, microelectronics and photonics.

This project is situated at the interface of two recently approved ERC Consolidator Grants, namely SCALPEL (Prof. Liesbet Lagae, imec) and INTERFERE (Prof. Peter Schelkens, VUB-iMinds), respectively focussing on high-throughput cell sorting and holographic imaging. The PhD position will be under co-promotership of both researchers.

To submit your application, please click on the "APPLY" button.


Sparse signal coding, signal modeling, digital holography, photonics, microscopy, cancer research.


You have a master degree in electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics or physics and you are attracted by the challenges in the domain of digital holography and associated multidimensional signal processing. You have good programming skills (C/C++) and/or profound MATLAB experience. You have a thorough background in mathematics and digital signal processing and preferably a basic knowledge of photonics. You have good oral and written communication skills. Fluency in English is a must, given the international character of the working environment.


iMinds ( is an independent research organisation whose task, assigned by the Flemish Government , is to encourage Innovation through excellent Digital Research. iMinds offers companies and organizations active support in research and development and, for that purpose, stimulates companies, authorities and non-profit organizations to work together on IT research projects. iMinds also offers programs to inspire, train and coach the next generation of IT entrepreneurs. The goal of iMinds’ incubation & entrepreneurship program is to bring IT innovations to the market, either by helping to build and grow successful high-tech IT ventures or by driving innovation in industry partnerships and collaborative research. 

iMinds Research consists of more than 850 researchers working at the 5 Flemish universities (Ghent, Leuven, Brussels, Antwerp and Hasselt). It is an international, multidisciplinary research environment with top talent coming from more than 50 countries throughout the world.

Imec performs world-leading research in nanoelectronics. Imec leverages its scientific knowledge with the innovative power of its global partnerships in ICT, healthcare and energy. Imec delivers industry-relevant technology solutions. In a unique high-tech environment, its international top talent is committed to providing the building blocks for a better life in a sustainable society. 

In life sciences, Imec develops advanced bio-electronic technologyto enable the development of next-generation of life science tools. Tools for life science research, diagnosis and treatment include besides lens-free microscopy and high-throughput cell sorting, also intelligent bioreactors, micro-PCR (lab-on-chip) and high-performance neural probes.

iMinds has a non-discriminating gender & diversity policy when attracting research talent.