PhD Position – Study and Development of advanced dielectrics for Low-voltage Printed Transistors

The Service of Printed Components and Nomad Energies for CEA-LITEN is based in Grenoble. It aims at developing applications in printed electronics, in order to achieve flexible arrays of sensors (optical, thermal or pressure) typically for Health and Medical applications or Smart Building. Its development are based on Printed Organic Transistors technology (Organic Thin Film Transistors – OTFT). This technology is supported in CEA by several collaborative and industrials projects, with main goal of developing a new generation with optimized performance. The aim of the thesis is to develop and study new types of printable high-permittivity (high-k) dielectrics, compatible with the organic semiconductor materials. The high-permittivity will allow to reduce the supply voltages of the transistors at the same dielectric thickness, thanks to the increase of the coupling between the gate and the channel. This will make accessible the realization of portable applications using supply voltages below 5V. The expected work will be to develop insulating layers as single or multi-layer stack, including several polymeric materials or inorganic-polymer composites. Special efforts will be made to understand phenomena that impact leakage currents through the stack, as well as the interactions between these high-k layers and the carriers flowing in the organic semiconductor channel. The Ph.D student will cover a broad spectrum in terms of tasks, including the fabrication, characterization, modeling and analysis of the behavior of its devices. The expected results are the development of a new generation of printable and patternable high-k dielectrics that perfectly fit to the latest generation of organic semiconductor materials. It is also expected to increase the knowledge in terms of modeling and detailed understanding of the underlying phenomena in the dielectric stack and at the gate-dielectric and semiconductor dielectric interfaces.

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département des Technologies des NanoMatériaux (LITEN)
Laboratory: Laboratoire Composants Electroniques Imprimés
Start Date: 01-05-2015
ECA Code: SL-DRT-15-0948
Contact: micael.charbonneau<στο>