EPSRC funded PhD studentship: Sound radiation from free shear flows

Imperial College London - Department of Aeronautics, Faculty of Engineering

3 year

Identifying the mechanisms responsible for the production of sound by turbulent flows remains to date an extremely difficult task, even for very extensively studied problems, like jet noise. Experimental studies are generally not sufficient when knowledge about the physical mechanisms of noise production is required. Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) allow the calculation of all unsteady flow quantities and can help to investigate the aerodynamically generated sound.

The direct computation of sound by solving the compressible Navier-Stokes equations provides both the aerodynamic field and the acoustic field at the same time, but the very high cost of such an approach remains a limiting factor. As a result, flow-generated acoustic fields are often predicted via a hybrid approach using acoustic analogies for which the acoustic sources are reduced to simple emitter types.

The scientific objective of the present numerical work based on highly-resolved simulations is to help in the identification and understanding of the aeroacoustic mechanisms of free shear flows. More precisely, the idea is to propose control solutions of the acoustic sources of a turbulent jet with obvious applications in aeronautics.

Applicants should have a keen interest in Computational Fluid Dynamics and in turbulence and should possess good analytical skills as well as an aptitude for numerical research. Only the very best student will be considered for this position. Candidates should have (or expect to obtain) a good upper-second class or first class honours degree (or equivalent experience and/or qualifications) in aeronautics or similar engineering disciplines.

The studentship is for three years starting in 2015 and will provide full coverage of tuition fees and an annual tax-free stipend of circa £15,720. Due to the nature of the funding, students must be UK nationals, or EU nationals who have lived in the UK for the past 3 years. Other EU citizens are eligible for a fees-only award. Non-EU students are ineligible, unless they have been ordinarily resident in the UK for 3 years preceding the date of application for purposes other than education.

Interested applicants should make initial informal enquiries via email to Dr Sylvain Laizet (s.laizet<στο>imperial.ac.uk) and then follow the standard College on-line application procedure (http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/pgprospectus/howtoapply).

For queries regarding the application process, please contact Ms Lisa Kelly by email to:l.kelly<στο>imperial.ac.uk or phone on +44 (0)20 7594 5056.

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