PhD scholarship in tooling for Green Fiber Moulding

Technical University of Denmark - Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK)

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK) of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has an open PhD position in the field of tooling for green fiber moulding. The PhD is part of an Innovationsfonden project in collaboration with the companies EcoXpac and Carlsberg. At DTU, the project involves four professors in the areas from design and manufacturing, one post doc and 2 PhD students.

The Green Fibre Bottle project is an exciting new project developing a biodegradable bottle created from paper pulp. The early prototypes of the bottle are very promising, however there is a challenge ahead to mature the basic concept towards a viable mass production solution. The overall project will focus on design and development in three main areas, namely the product/bottle (a Post doc), the tooling (this PhD) and the moulding process (another PhD). It is vital that these three sub-projects are developed in an integrated manner with good communication and shared information between them. 

Responsibilities and tasks 
The PhD project will focus on the development of an innovative mould concept enabling moulding and impulse drying of the green fibre pulp while maintaining high process performance in terms of Energy Consumption, Production Throughput, Product Quality Characteristics and Product Cost. Evacuation of the water content in the formed green fibre pulp is a critical step in the process. Thus an underlying simulation/model for the mould needs to be developed and experimentally validated, showing how the mould characteristics affect the process performance.

The position has both project and academic responsibilities. The scientific development work conducted must be positioned relative to current literature and published in conference and journal articles.

Candidates should have a master's degree in engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master's degree in engineering. Good knowledge of production engineering technologies and mechanical design is a fundamental requirement. Industry experience and knowledge of quality engineering and metrology will be desirable. The candidate should have good mathematical/analytical skills as well as good communication skills. Basic programming skills as well as knowledge of CFD, CAD, CAM would all be beneficial.

Approval and Enrolment
The scholarships for the PhD degree are subject to academic approval, and the candidates will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes of DTU. For information about the general requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please see the DTU PhD Guide.

The assessment of the applicants will be made by Associate Professor Giuliano Bissacco according to the qualification requirements stated above.

Further information 
Further information may be obtained from Associate Professor Giuliano Bissacco (gibi<στο>

Please do not send applications to this e-mail address, instead apply online as described below.

You can read more about Department of Mechanical Engineering on

Application deadline: 7 March 2015

To view the full announcement and to apply: 
