Lead Energy Specialist, Washington

Closing date: Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Background / General description

The Energy & Extractives Global Practice of the World Bank Group is made up of more than 300 professionals, a lending program in the order of US$7 billion a year, an active portfolio of some $30 billion, and a rich program of Advisory and Analytical Work. The Energy side of the practice focuses on providing affordable, reliable and sustainable energy to meet the needs of fast growing economies and to ensure universal access to modern energy services for people in client countries. The Extractives side of the Global Practice focuses on strengthening policy and institutional frameworks to promote transparent and equitable growth of the extractives sectors and leverage extractives-related infrastructure for public benefit. Both parts of the Global Practice place a strong emphasis on private sector resource mobilization.

The Latin America and Caribbean Region Energy Unit operates in the context of the overall Bank mission to eliminate extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity. Improving energy security (through both supply and demand side interventions), increasing financing for investments, improving efficiency of sectoral enterprises, moving towards universal access, and climate change are key challenges in the Region. Energy services development remains a key element in the Region's strategy for promoting green and inclusive growth and reducing poverty.

The Energy Unit is responsible for implementing the Global Practice's strategy for energy development in the region. The Unit's activities range from project preparation and supervision to economic and sector work (ESW). The Unit operates within the context of the Global Practice, deploying global knowledge and expertise both within the region and globally. It also works closely with the relevant Country Management Units and other sectoral units (including environment, transport, urban, private sector development and finance), and with IFC and MIGA. .

The Latin America and Caribbean Region is home to a number of very sophisticated country clients that require the Bank's support to be on the cutting edge of the development agenda. We are therefore seeking to recruit a seasoned Lead Energy Specialist to shape and lead the Unit's portfolio of lending and non-lending activities in selected countries in the region. The Lead Energy Specialist is also expected to contribute to the Global Practice through activities such as knowledge exchange, mentoring, and substantive participation in a Global Solutions Group.


If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 4 year term appointment.

Duties and Accountabilities

  • The Lead Energy Specialist's primary responsibilities will be to lead the Bank's strategic, advisory, and operational work in South American countries (i.e. Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, etc). The main focus of the position will be on packaging and delivery of both investment and AAA work that brings the '˜best of the Bank Group' to these countries..

The responsibilities of the selected candidate will include:

  • Leading an active Bank policy dialog on strategic energy issues focused on country and regional priorities, drawing on regional and global knowledge and experience.
  • Leading strategy and business development, and resulting operations which are part of the Bank's country level and regional energy program.
  • Leading operational work (policy dialogue, lending and supervision, AAA), including being the Task Team Leader for individual projects while also maintaining sufficient knowledge of individual operations and activities not managed by him/her to be able to identify and help resolve project-specific or systemic issues.
  • Providing guidance and mentoring to other staff and TTLs.
  • Developing strategic partnerships with organizations and individuals to facilitate the flow of ideas and capital to the region. This will also require effective communication and outreach to relevant CMUs and Global Practices, as well as units in IFC and MIGA.
  • Advising colleagues and clients on global best practices in the energy sector and keeping abreast of country sector issues as well as contributing to global knowledge by introducing success and lessons learned in LAC energy sector.

Selection Criteria

Candidates must meet the generic criteria for international level GH: Sustained record of achieving high-quality substantive results over an extended period (typically at least 10 years); Prior substantive and sustained work experience in achieving results on the ground in more than one world region (including both pre-Bank experience and Bank experience).

Selection criteria

In addition to meeting Bank-wide competencies for a Grade GH position, the selected candidate should meet the following selection criteria:

  • Advanced university degree (Master's or PhD) in engineering, energy planning/economics, business administration/finance or equivalent. Sustained record of achieving high-quality substantive results over an extended period (typically at least 10 years).
  • Proven ability to lead energy sector dialogue and engage clients, through an in-depth and continuous involvement on difficult policy issues.
  • A proven track record in designing and implementing complex Bank operations using innovative approaches, demonstrated strong knowledge of operational procedures including fiduciary and safeguards policies and the investment project cycle and including TTL-ship of major lending operations and key strategic, analytical, and advisory products.
  • Knowledge of and experience in PPPs and co-financing with commercial financing agencies, IFC and MIGA.
  • Ability to lead/coach teams to achieve results, build strong teams across the matrix and develop/nurture new talent.
  • Outstanding communications skills, including the ability to influence and persuade.
  • Language: English and Spanish are essential. Portuguese is desirable.


  • Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Influences the design and execution of major policy and/or research initiatives; conceives and promotes innovations in development policies, project design, organization and management to improve operational and sector work.
  • Policy Dialogue Skills - Has a track record of conducting effective policy dialogue with country counterparts; communicates and defends difficult issues and positions to senior bank management and government officials.
  • Integrative Skills - Possesses in-depth understanding of Bank resources in all areas of work in the network, and proven fungibility.
  • Energy Policy, Strategy and Institutions - Comprehensive understanding of energy policies, strategies, institutions, and regulations.
  • Lead and Innovate - Inspires and influences others to drive innovation.
  • Deliver Results for Clients - Acts as a trusted, strategic advisor, partnering with clients to deliver results.
  • Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries - Leads collaboration across WBG and with partners drawing on robust professional networks.
  • Create, Apply and Share Knowledge - Establishes an environment where knowledge is created, applied and shared.
  • Make Smart Decisions - Makes timely decisions that have a broad impact.

Expertise in at least one core area:

  • Energy Sector Economics, Markets and Institutions - Viewed as an expert in the economics of energy, energy markets, or institutions (i.e. reforms) capable of serving as a lead in representing the Bank internationally.
  • Energy Financing - Advanced understanding of energy sector finance; can conduct complex analyses and develop financial models.
  • Power System Technologies - Expert at policy-related decisions and advice, with expertise in one or more areas: power generation, transmission, distribution; utility management, operations, maintenance, and services, etc.
  • Energy Access - Comprehensive understanding as well as depth in one or more subtopics, based on significant firsthand experience.
  • Clean Energy - Deep knowledge and experience in renewable energy and/or energy efficiency, and proven ability for impactful advice and project design
  • Global Practice Representation - Demonstrates ability to coordinate, participate in, and act as a catalyst for, strategic cross-practice dialogues within the Practice, across the region, among Bank colleagues and other development institutions, government, and other organizations.
  • Project Design for Impact and Sustainability - Gauges appropriately the time/resources required to undertake a specific reform, design a policy / program, or improve efficiency of key procedures/systems.
  • Sector Dialogue - Able to lead a broad dialogue with the client, including high-level officials, based on an understanding of the client's objectives and constraints.
  • Operational Project Management - Demonstrates expert knowledge and understanding of project management tools & methodologies; ability to manage complex, multi-functional, cross-regional projects/programs including managing relationships with stakeholders & counterparties.
  • Operational Policies Application to the Project Cycle (fiduciary, disbursement, safeguard and GAC policies) - Possesses a thorough understanding of fiduciary, disbursement, safeguard and GAC policies; able to identify key issues, conduct objective evaluation of non compliance, and devise recommendations to Bank management.
  • Team Leadership - Demonstrates inspirational leadership combined with practical delivery of large-scale Bank initiatives; sought out to mentor other team leaders.
  • ESW/TA Policy, Strategic and Technical Analysis for Country/Sector Issues - Leads through AAA work the analysis of key development issues; demonstrated ability to draw policy options underpinned by solid analytic basis and that are attuned to specific country circumstances.
  • Knowledge of FCS Context - Applies an in-depth understanding of fragile and conflict situations including the impacts of violence and conflict, polarization of state-society relations, diminished client capacity, relevance of partnerships, shifts in client leadership, etc.
  • FCS Behavioral Skills - Demonstrates the mind-set needed for success in FCS settings: adaptability, resilience, determination, sound judgment, etc. Coaches others across the organization around these factors.

Application information: http://web.worldbank.org/external/default/main?pagePK=8454041&piPK=8454059&theSitePK=8453353&JobNo=150036&contentMDK=23158967&order=descending&sortBy=job-req-num&location=ALL&menuPK=8453611