Scholarships for Doctoral Program in Management, Economics & Social Sciences, Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS ), Germany (2015)

The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS) of the WiSo-Faculty offers a three-year doctoral program to outstanding students holding a Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) in Management, Economics and Social Sciences. The CGS specifically encourages international students with a master’s degree in Economics, Finance, Management, Sociology, Psychology, Political Sciences, Energy Economics/Policy, Econometrics/Statistics and related fields to apply.

The CGS is looking for excellent students who are close to finishing their Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) and who count among the top 10% of graduates in their Faculty. Teaching language of the program is English.

Students accepted to the program receive a scholarship of EUR 1.200 per month. The scholarship is awarded for a maximum period of three years and is tax-free. Scholarships start with the course program in October 2015. (Please note that you need to pay your health insurance out of this sum.)

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τρίτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2015