Post-doctoral position – Design of RF advanced clock synthesis

The current trends in the field of telecommunications lead to systems compatible with several standards. These trends are changing the radio frequency applications and involve constraints increasingly strong in the design of integrated circuits. Thus, there is a need to revisit frequency synthesis devices which proved to be key elements in radio applications. As part of a collaborative project on research around the Advanced frequency synthesis we seek a researcher with a background in Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Design. The candidate will be invited to conduct the research, development and implementation of an innovative frequency synthesis. The main tasks of this work candidate include: – Electrical Simulations – Design of CMOS integrated circuit – Definition and execution of tests, validation – Writing of synthesis reports and publications

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département Architectures Conception et Logiciels Embarqués (LIST-LETI)
Laboratory: Laboratoire Architectures Intégrées Radiofréquences
Start Date: 01-05-2015
ECA Code: PsD-DRT-14-0087
Contact: michael.pelissier<στο>