PhD Real-time control of deformable robot using visual servoing

DEFROST (DEFormable RObotic SofTware), is a newly created INRIA team which gathers people with computer graphics, interactive simulation or robotics background. Soft (or deformable) Robots open the way to many opportunities such as new applications, reduced fabrication costs, increased durability and security... However the main challenge relies on the modeling, design and control of such robots since current techniques used in robotics cannot be applied. The rationale of DEFROST is to use an accurate and real-time mechanical modeling of the robot and inverse methods to dynamically control such robots evolving in complex environments.


Under the direct command responsibility of the team leader, he/she will be in charge of developing a method to use visual streams (video or medical images) in order to control a deformable robot. Several prototypes of a soft robots have been recently built in the team and they all use interactive mechanical simulation to perform the control. The main challenge of this PhD proposal is to analyse the visual streams and extract relevant information that will feed the mechanical simulation in order to increase the accuracy and the robustness of the control.
The candidate will elaborate a method to control deformable robots using visual servoing. (S)he will implement this method using a soft robot prototype and several imaging modalities (mono•stereo• vision, medical imaging…). (S)he will contribute to the SoftRobotics plugin that is developed in the SOFA framework ( Finally the candidate will communicate her/his results in scientific conferences, workshops and journals.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


• Possibility of French courses
• Help for housing
• Financial support from Inria to catering and transportation expenses
• Scientific Resident card and help for visa
• Catering service
• Monthly salary after taxes: around 1580 € the 1st two years and 1660 € the 3rd year (social security included).

Comment/web site for additional job details

Application Deadline


Envisaged Job Starting Date
