PhD Communication Protocols based on alternative paradigm for wireless mobile devices

The FUN research group investigates solutions to enhance programmability, adaptability and reachability of FUN (Future Ubiquitous Networks) composed of RFID, wireless sensor and robot networks. The objects that compose FUN are characterized by limited resources, high mobility and high security level in spite of untrusted environment.They communicate in a wireless way. To be operational and efficient, such networks have to follow some self-organizing rules. Indeed, components of FUN have to be able in a distributed and energy-efficient way to discover the network, self(deploy, communicate, self-structure in spite of their harware constraints while adapting the environment in which they evolve.
For additional information on the FUN research group, please see


Under the direct command responsibility of the team leader, the candidate will be in charge to investigate alternative communication paradigms anddevelop a communication protocol based on one of the selected paradigms for wireless mobile devices. Moreover, based on this new communication technique, she/he will investigate swarm-based cooperation algorithms to design a novel approach. The candidate will validate their solution through implementation on real devices. 
Cooperation of heterogeneous devices is an intriguing key factor to realize ubiquitous and pervasive networks. Generally, the cooperation among heterogeneous devices is based on information acquired through the communication among the nodes. “Traditional“ communication paradigms are based on link through electromagnetic fields waves (i.e. electromagnetic radiation), but alternative communication paradigms can be envisaged to improve efficiency and energy consumption. For example, one can think to equip robots with LEDs that could be conveniently exploited to acquire useful information without exchanging any messages, but simply through observation (with webcam). 
A different communication paradigm could have inherent advantages in respect of the traditional approach such as:
An environment where a “traditional“ communication paradigm is difficult (e.g. environments too noisy and too many interferences);
Data rate could be higher than traditional communication (e.g. as in the case of the Li-Fi paradigm);
The devices could adaptively select the best way to communicate based on their proper current status, the status of the neighbors and the surrounding conditions
The objective of this PhD course is to study and derive an alternative way to communicate among mobile devices. At the beginning, the PhD student will review the literature, by focusing on different and alternative than traditional techniques, such as computer vision techniques [1]. The candidate will be supported in the definition of the requirements of the system as system supporting a new communication paradigm. 
The final part of the doctoral program will be devoted to the design and implementation of a communication protocol based on a specific novel communication paradigm. The PhD candidate will be asked to analyze and individuate some specific evaluation parameters, in order to define the goodness of the protocol. 
Moreover, the candidate will be asked to investigate and study the learning techniques, in order to develop effective and efficient cooperation mechanisms among the nodes.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


• Possibility of French courses
• Help for housing
• Financial support from Inria to catering and transportation expenses
• Scientific Resident card and help for visa
• Catering service
• Monthly salary after taxes: around 1580 € the 1st two years and 1660 € the 3rd year (social security included).

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