Post-doctoral position – Composite packaging development (thermoset) for battery application

The European project (Mat4bat) replies to a call “green car project” deals with the field of Li-ion cells for electrical vehicules application with an average energy densities up to 250 Wh/kg. Mat4bat builds up its EVs battery strategy on advanced materials and pilot line processes on 3 innovative concepts of cells (GEN 1, GEN2 and GEN3) based on performances, life cycle and safety. The target will be to perform new packaging for these novel cells. The new packaging (GEN2 and GEN 3) will have to show a higher thermal and mechanical properties with lower density than the first generation (fabricated in a multilayer of aluminum and polymers) taking into account the cell characteristics (maximal temperature, gas absorption, thickness?). The validation of GEN2 and GEN3 packagings will be done in 2 steps: the first one will be the composite development and the second one will be the packaging process development. Concerning the first step, a research of materials (loads, fillers and matrix) will be carried out, followed by a study on interfacial cohesion between matrix and fillers. For the second step, a process line will be developed with the integration of components which will permit to characterize the cell ageing.

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département des Technologies des NanoMatériaux (LITEN)
Laboratory: Laboratoire Recyclage et Valorisation des Matériaux
Start Date: 01-05-2015
ECA Code: PsD-DRT-14-0090
Contact: thomas.pietri<στο>