Denmark : PhD Stipend in 5G solutions for IoT-M2M (8-15009)

At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Electronic Systems, Section for Wireless Communication Networks, a PhD stipend in 5G solutions for IoT/M2M is available within the general study programme Wireless Communications. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 May, 2015 or soon hereafter.  


Job description


The machine-to-machine (M2M) communications infrastructure and services are continuously evolving.
Traditionally, the 2G cellular networks have been used to provide wide area low-cost and low-bandwidth wireless
M2M solutions. The current 2G networks are, however, gradually turned off to re-farm the spectrum
for 3G and LTE technologies. Current LTE/LTE-A standards are excellent for broadband data services
and, based on the recent LTE-M specifications, LTE networks can also in the future provide support for low data rate and
low power M2M services. The envisioned Internet of Things (IoT) applications build on top of M2M communication
systems and solutions, linking billions of devices and sensors.

The objective of this Ph.D. stipend are


  • To analyze the performance and limits of the current LTE Advanced IoT/M2M solutions and to identify improvements for next generation


  • To design novel 5G/IoT M2M techniques optimized for: scalability, radio access efficiency, extended coverage and ultra-low power


  • To investigate how such M2M optimized techniques can be multiplexed into a general 5G concept also supporting broadband data services


The research techniques that will be used during the study include both analytical investigations and L1-L3 simulations of communication systems.

The position are co-funded by Nokia Networks, and close collaboration with Nokia Networks are to be expected.

Excellent skills in oral and written English are required.

You may obtain further information from Professor Preben Mogensen , Department of Electronic Systems, phone: +45 9940 8658, email:pm<στο>  concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend.


PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Masters degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Engineering and Science, in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of August 27, 2013 on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed every six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of salary payment that the previous progress is approved at the time of the evaluation. 

The qualifications of the applicant will be assessed by an assessment committee. On the basis of the recommendation of the assessment committee, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Science will make a decision for allocating the stipend. 

For further information about stipends and salary as well as practical issues concerning the application procedure contact Ms. Lisbeth Diinhoff, The Faculty of Engineering and Science, email: ld<στο>, phone: +45 9940 9589. 

The faculty have a research school, The Doctoral School of Engineering and Science: and a Network for all PhD  


The application is only to be submitted online by using the "Apply online" button below.




Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of March 26, 2012 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the Ministry of Finance current circular on the employment structure at Danish Universities.

Further Information

Application Deadline : 27 February 2015

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