Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions, A*Midex (Aix-Marseille Initiative of Excellence), France (2015)

3 two years post-doctoral position are available immediately. The post-docs will be responsible for a project aiming at identifying new genes in rare autosomal recessive diseases by Next Generation Sequencing of patients from consanguineous families. Their work will take place within the frame of a Mediterranean Research Network for the study of rare diseases in the Mediterranean area.

The laboratory of Medical Genetics & Functional Genomics (GMGF, INSERM UMR_S 910, Aix Marseille University; website: located at the Faculty of Medicine in Marseille, offers 3 two-year postdoctoral fellowships to young scientists, who will be in charge of setting up a Mediterranean Research Network for the study of rare diseases in the Mediterranean area, within the frame of the RARE-MED project, including 4 partners: France (coordinator), Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. The postdoctoral fellows will be in charge of gene identification by Next Generation Sequencing in consanguineous families affected with rare forms of autosomal recessive hereditary diseases. Applicants from the countries included in the network will be favored.

We aim at creating a Mediterranean Center of excellence for Research on rare diseases in the Mediterranean region, supported by AMU through this A.MIDEX project. This network is based on collaborations between UMR_S 910 and three other research laboratories from Mediterranean countries: Lebanon, Tunisia and Morocco, already having a high expertise in the field. The four labs involved in the project have a long time expertise in the study of different rare genetic diseases, in a context of consanguinity and some partners of are already involved in long lasting collaborations. This Center of Excellence will be geographically decentralized and function as a network of researchers and genomics research centers.

The postdoctoral fellows will be mainly localized at Aix Marseille University and will be in charge of projects aiming at: (i) the identification of genes involved in rare genetic diseases of autosomal recessive transmission through the study of large consanguineous families, (ii) the understanding of underlying physiopathological mechanisms by setting-up functional experiments. The project will also involve transfer of technology and training.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Σάββατο, Φεβρουάριος 28, 2015