Doctoral Candidate in Operations Management in Construction

Aalto University - School of Engineering

Aalto University is a new multidisciplinary university in the fields of technology, business, and art and design. It opens up new possibilities for strong multidisciplinary education and research. Aalto University has 20 000 students and a staff of 5 000 including 370 professors.

Aalto University School of Engineering, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering invites applications for

Doctoral Candidate in Operations Management in Construction

This fixed term doctoral candidate position is to be filled as soon as possible. The expected total duration is four years: first contract will be signed for a period of one year with an extension to four years subject to meeting a set of performance criteria during the first year.

Key Accountabilities and Qualifications
The doctoral candidate will belong to Operations Management research team at the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering. The individual will work under the supervision of Assistant Professor Antti Peltokorpi.

Operations Management in Construction is a broad and multidisciplinary area of research. Work in this field focuses on questions such as how to manage construction projects, processes, and businesses in the networks of several providers and stakeholders, and how to improve quality, efficiency and customer value. Research in this field also seeks to address issues pertaining to new production and information technology and their influence on construction operations, organizational relationships, production planning and control and corporate strategies. Research methods in this field have wide variety, including qualitative and quantitative methods, case studies, surveys, and secondary data analyses among others. Research activities are carried out in collaboration with international academic and industrial partners. Researchers and practitioners in this field attempt to find solutions to the aforementioned problems and develop partnerships with construction companies, building users and the relevant authorities and other sectors of industry.

The position is open for candidates with a master’s degree from a wide range of backgrounds related to Operations Management, Construction Engineering and Management or related fields.

For the candidate qualified for the current position, an official Aalto University application process for doctoral studies will be accomplished. Hence, before preparing his/her application the candidate should ensure that the corresponding formal requirements will be fulfilled:

Salary and place of work
Aalto University follows the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition to salary, the contract includes occupational health benefits, and Finland has a comprehensive social security system.

The Department is located at Otaniemi campus in Espoo, Finland. Further information about the department can be found at the web pages:

Application Period and Instructions

The call is open till March 22, 2015. Applications will be evaluated during March 2015. All material should be submitted in English. It is expected that the successful candidate will work at Aalto University after no more that few months after application.

A complete application requires the following documents (pdf files): (1) a statement of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) an English abstract of master's thesis, (4) a certified copy of the master’s diploma, (5) a transcript of records, and (6) a letter of recommendations.

Please submit your application online:

Further Information
Further information can be obtained by directly contacting Asst. Prof. Antti Peltokorpi atantti.peltokorpi<στο> (+358 50 371 6613) or Head of the Department, Prof. Juha Paavola atjuha.paavola<στο> . Local candidates are encouraged to seek a face-to-face appointment.
