Grameen Foundation International Fellowships, 2015

Grameen Foundation helps the world’s poorest to improve their lives and eradicate poverty by providing them with access to appropriate financial services, life-changing information and unique income-generating opportunities. The Grameen Foundation Fellowship is a unique opportunity for talented business and technology professionals to gain in-depth, hands-on field experience in the social sector. Each 12-month field placement is individually tailored to match Fellow’s skills and interests with the needs of Grameen Foundation and its partners around the world.

During this one year fellowship year in the field, Fellows work with some of the brightest minds in social innovation on projects designed to accelerate the impact, scale and sustainability of some of the world’s most promising organizations committed to alleviating global poverty. Fellowship placements will likely be in Africa (particularly Uganda, Ghana, and Kenya), Latin America (particularly Colombia and Nicaragua), Asia (particularly India and the Philippines), and the Middle East.

Grameen Foundation Fellowships are open to all interested applicants, regardless of age, education level, or citizenship. However, strong Fellowship candidates typically have experience in strategy or management consulting and/or have worked in global business or in start-up environments. Since most placements will be with Grameen Foundation teams, they also look for expertise in the areas of financial services, health, agriculture, mobile technology, and social entrepreneurship.

Fellows will receive a monthly living stipend and benefits package (including airfare, health insurance and visas/work permits). The monthly living stipend is determined by the cost of living specific to each location and is calculated to cover only those costs associated and incurred during the duration of the Fellows’ field assignment (e.g. housing, food, and phone, internet, and transport).

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Μάρτιος 1, 2015