PostDoc/Research Associate - Bioelectrochemical Systems and Membrane Filtration


PostDoc/research associate position in the field of Development and Characterization of Conductive Filter Materials for Micro- and Ultrafiltration

Starting as soon as possible, the Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK at the University of Freiburg (Germany) opens a new PostDoc or research associate position in the field of conductive micro- and ultrafiltration membranes to be simultaneously used as anodes in microbial fuel cells.

Potential candidates should hold a PhD/Master’s degree or equivalent in Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Material Science, Chemistry, Physics (or related fields).

Your task
Overall goal of the project is the development of a prototype microbial fuel cell that is simultaneously used for micro- or ultrafiltration (see figure). As part of the project team you will be responsible for the identification and characterization of conductive filter materials for the micro- and ultrafiltration. Based on the results, you will then develop economically feasible porous and conductive filter materials and characterize them with respect to their electrochemical and filtration properties.

For further inquiries and applications please contact: Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher, telephone: +49-761-203-73218. To submit an application, please click the"APPLY" button.


We are looking for a highly motivated individual with excellent scientific record. Succesful candidates must be good experimentators and posses strong communication skills. Ideally, the candidates are adept to scientific publication and already have previous experience in the field of membrane filtration, material science, and electrochemistry.


IMTEK and the University of Freiburg offer an excellent scientific environment for interdisciplinary research. The full-time position is affiliated to the Bioelectrochemical Systems Research Group at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications. The group’s research is focused on engineering aspects of bioelectrochemical systems for a wide variety of applications, ranging from battery-independent power supply of medical implants to renewable electricity generation from waste water streams. In a highly interdisciplinary team of biologists, chemists, and engineers we develop new materials, processes, and concepts that are relevant for practical application.


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