PhD position in “Computational Biophysics” at the University of Freiburg

The PhD position is proposed in the framework of the International Research Training Group “Soft Matter Science” (IRTG), a joint PhD program of the Universities of Strasbourg/France and Freiburg/Germany. The primary workplace will be at the Institute of Physics in Freiburg.

This International Research Training Group brings together chemists, physicists, engineers, and biologists from all over the world aiming to develop concepts for the design of innovative materials with a high level of functionality.

For more information about the IRTG:

Project description

The project is devoted to understanding biological membranes which consist of a complex mixture of lipid and protein molecules. These constituents show a dynamic and heterogeneous distribution lateral to the membrane. This distribution depends on physicochemical conditions such as composition and temperature. To understand lipid membranes with complex compositions, a multiscale computational approach combining coarse grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with lattice models shall be established and employed to study mixing and demixing in lipid membranes from molecular to mesoscopic length scales. Within this framework, (de)mixing at nanometer scales from the MD simulations shall be used to parameterize the lattice models that will be employed to investigate (de)mixing at micrometer scales. The part on the MD simulations shall be conducted in Freiburg and that on the lattice models in Strasbourg.

We offer

  • Comprehensive, interdisciplinary research in soft matter science
  • Supportive mentoring by at least two advisors
  • Exchange with PhD students of the participating laboratories in Germany, France and Switzerland

Training through

  • Introductory and advanced courses in the research field of the IRTG
  • Specialised workshops and training camps
  • Wide spectrum of further qualification measures


We are looking for highly qualified and motivated graduates holding a master’s degree (or equivalent) in physics, chemistry, biology, engineering or related areas with excellent grades. Applicants should be strongly interested to expand their horizon beyond the specific field of their major and should have excellent proficiency in English as all teaching will be in English. In addition, they should identify with the aims of the IRTG, especially with intensifying the Franco-German collaboration. We particularly encourage women to apply.

For the format and the documents required for the application please refer to our Applications must be sent by e-mail tovolker.knecht<στο> (deadline: February 20, 2015).

Please address your questions to Dr. Volker Knecht volker.knecht<στο>