Post-doctoral position – Realization and optimization of lightweight and composite PV modules

The objective of this postdoctoral position is to design PV module architectures based on composite materials to achieve lightweight modules (<5 kg/m2) and satisfying with standards (IEC 61215 and 61730), in particular those concerning mechanical load test (5.4 kPa). It will be necessary to make these PV modules and to test them. The study will primarily focus on the coupling between the PV structure design, prototyping and performance testing before and after aging. In particular the experiments aim to digitally design PV modules architectures compatible with the requirements (weight, load resistance, resistance to hail and aging) and experimentally validate the good behavior of the PV modules. A prerequisite is good knowledge of polymers and composite materials. This postdoctoral position will include: – Experimental developments – Experimental tests of PV modules (electrical, optical, mechanical) before and after aging (IEC 61215 standard). Qualifications: – Good knowledge on mechanical behavior of polymers and composite materials. – Good experimental skills. – Knowledge of CAO tools (SolidWorks) eventually

This position is open until it is filled.

Département: Département des Technologies Solaires (LITEN)
Laboratory: Modules Photovoltaïques
Start Date: 01-05-2015
ECA Code: PsD-DRT-15-0031
Contact: julien.gaume<στο>